Chapter 8

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"Now get a bucket and a mop that's some wet-"

I turned off my alarm and went into the bathroom to get ready; I took a quick shower, did my hair and makeup, and threw on something decent looking.

I almost forgot that Ashley was downstairs on my couch. It was around 7:00, so I assumed, as a teenager, she was still fast asleep.

To my surprise, Ashley was in the kitchen with my kids. They were eating toast and probably talking about something stupid that little kids liked.

"Morning." Ashley smiled as I entered the room.

"Hey kiddos, why don't you two go get ready for school?"

They nodded and ran up the stairs, leaving me alone with Ashley. I walked around the kitchen island to where she was standing and grabbed a cup of coffee, "I could get used to this."

"Nick doesn't make you breakfast?"

"On my birthdays."

She laughed, "Well I would make you breakfast every day."

"Why haven't you moved in yet?"

She smirked and took a bite of her toast.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Good, your couch is surprisingly more comfortable than my own bed."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"You excited for therapy?"

I rolled my eyes, "Definitely not. Why can't I just come to school with you instead?"

She came a bit closer to me, leaving only a couple of inches between us, "I'm pretty sure that everyone will think you're a teacher."

"I'm pretty sure this..." I gestured my hand between the two of us, "would be illegal if I was your teacher."

"Why? It's not like we're sleeping together."

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure students don't get drunk and sleepover at their teacher's house."

She chuckled, "Good point."

I reached past her for a piece of toast, "Do you need to use my shower or borrow clothes or something?"

"All of the above."

"Okay, follow me."

I waked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my bedroom, Ashley following close behind. When we got to my room, I closed the door and showed her to my closet, "You can pick anything you want."

She smiled and started going through the hangers. It didn't take long for her to find something she liked, "How about this?" She held up one of my college hoodies and a pair of Nike Pros that I usually wore to the gym.

"This is what kids wear nowadays?"

"Yeah, the shorts make my ass look good."

I laughed, "Fair enough, what about the hoodie?"

"It smells like you."

"And what exactly do I smell like?"

A smile tugged at her lips, "Vanilla."



"Is that a good thing?"

"Would I take your fucking hoodie if you smelled bad?"

I laughed, "Okay, let me smell you."

She came closer and I leaned in to smell her shirt. She didn't really have a distinctive scent; she just smelled like Ashley.

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