Chapter 29

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The rest of Ashley's Christmas dinner was great: Olivia and I seemed to of made up, we all played a few more games, Ashley's parents and grandmother gave me a warm goodbye, and to top it all off, we went back to my place and had phenomenal sex.

The next couple of weeks were also amazing: I went to work, saw Ashley in the afternoons, went home and saw my kids, would have Ashley spend the night at least once a week, had sex a lot, and spent some quality time with my three favorite people.

Everything was perfect.

One Friday, however, it was around four thirty when I'd realized Ashley hadn't shown up for her shift. I went into the backroom and gave her a call.

"Hey." She said, picking up after a few seconds of ringing.

"Where the fuck are you?"

"At your house with the kids."

"What? Why?"

I could hear Abby and Miles giggling in the background, "Because, it's a surprise."

Last time the surprise had been that party for my custody over the kids. I wondered what it was this time since there hadn't been anything big to happen.

"Just come over after work and you'll see what it is."

I sighed, "Okay, fine. But this better be worth having one employee short today."

"It will be."

"Good." I said, now wanting to close the cafe early so I could get home as soon as possible, "I'll see you in a bit then."

"See you in a bit."


When I pulled into the driveway, I quickly ran up to the door and knocked. I was a bit nervous, although I had no reason to be. When the door opened, I was greeted by Abby and Miles. I bent down to give them hugs and kisses.

"Where's Ashley?" I asked, realizing they'd answered the door alone.

They didn't respond. Instead, they both took my hand and led me to the back yard.

To my surprise, Ashley was outside, laying down on a picnic blanket. She held a bouquet of red dahlias—which seemed to have become "our flower"—and two glasses of wine. The picnic blanket was lined with cute fairy lights, giving the scene a romantic look.

Abby and Miles let go of my hand and ran back inside the house, leaving me alone with Ashley.

"What is this?" I asked, still standing there in shock.

"A picnic."

"Well yeah, I can see that. I meant what is this for?"

"It's a date."

I smiled and sat down beside Ashley. She handed me a glass if wine and laid the flowers between us. I took a glance back at the house, to make sure the kids weren't watching, and leaned down to kiss Ashley.

"Thank you, baby."

She raised an eyebrow, "Baby?"

"Oh, my apologies for showing you some love and affection through a cute pet name."

She grinned, "No, no, I liked it. I think it might have gotten me a bit horny too."

I kissed her again, "This is more romantic than anything Nick had ever done in our many years of marriage."

"Is it?"


"Well, good." She said, taking a sip of her wine, "I like to make you feel special."

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