Chapter 17

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Halloween was approaching and I couldn't be more excited. Everyone knows that Halloween is the best holiday. You get to watch horror movies, eat candy, drench yourself in fake blood, and of course, the best part, scaring kids.

I'd already decorated our house with a some fake skeletons and bought a shit ton of candy. The only thing left that was needed to prepare for Halloween was costumes. And that was exactly what I found myself doing; at the mall with my kids and Ashley, looking for something to dress as.

"So what do you guys wanna be?" Ashley asked as we went up the escalator.

Abby was the first to respond, "I'm gonna be princess Jasmine!"

"Of course you are." Ashley laughed, "How about you, Miles?"

"I wanna be a dinosaur."

"Woah, that's a good one."

"What about you, Ashely?" Abby asked.

She looked up at me, clearly not planning to dress up. So of course, I saved her ass, "Ashley and mommy are gonna find a costume at the store."

"You're dressing up?" Abby jumped in excitement.


"Yay!" They both cheered as we came off the escalator and went into the pop-up Spirit Halloween.

There were dozens of families in the store and little kids running all over the place. I already wanted to kill myself.

"You two go look for your costumes." I said, "And stay together."

They nodded before running off. I turned to face Ashley, "What do you want to be?"

"Let's get a cute couples costume."

I smiled, "Okay."

We made our way over to the adult section. There was everything from slutty playboy bunnies to animal onesies. We found the couples costumes and started looking around.

"We could be Mickey and Minnie."

"That's some weird furry shit."

She laughed, "Okay, what about Anna and Elsa?"

"That's incest."

"Police and prisoner?"

I smiled, "I like that one."

"I'm guessing it's because you want me to handcuff you and do some kinky shit."


The laughed and picked up the costumes, "Okay, let's go find your kids."

We walked around a bit, eventually finding them in one of the aisles. Miles had his dinosaur costume picked out while Abby was deciding between two different Princess Jasmine outfits.

"Ashley! Which one do you like more?" Abby asked as we approached.

She bent down to look at them intently, "Hmm, I think I like this one." She pointed to the cheaper one.

"Yeah, me too! That's exactly what I was thinking."

"Cool, let's go." I headed toward the checkout and they followed behind. There was a long ass line and it took around fifteen minutes to finally get to a cashier.

"You guys are a cute family." The woman said; she looked around Ashley's age.

"Oh, we're not a-" Ashley began before I interrupted.

"Thank you."

She smiled and continued to scan our costumes. I could see Ashley staring at me from the corner of my eye.

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