Chapter 9

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"Are you fucking crazy?" I couldn't believe what this psychopath had just said.

"I mean considering-"

"Suck my dick." I stood up, gathering my stuff to leave.

"Wait, Veronica! The session isn't even over. Just sit down, we don't have to talk about Ashley."

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door.

Have you ever considered that maybe you like Ashley as more than just a friend?

What type of heroin was he on?


"I want to get hit by a bus."

I'd just finished kissing Miles and Abby goodnight after our movie night with Ashley. It was fun. We had popcorn and candy, even made a blanket fort. Now Ashley was lying on my couch while I sat on the opposite side, glass of wine in my hand.

"Why's that?" She laughed.

"I don't know, just had a long day."

She turned to face me, "Want to talk about it?"

"It's nothing serious." I said, trying to lighten the mood, "Just my therapist being a pain in the ass."

"What did he say?"

I thought it would be best not to tell Ashley, to keep things less complicated, "Nothing, he's just annoying."

I put my wine glass on the table, "I miss Nick."

"He's only been gone for one day."

"I mean, I don't necessarily miss him. I just miss doing couple stuff with him."

"Then do couple stuff with me."

I smiled, "You sure?"

She nodded.

I made my way over, laying on top of her. She smiled, putting an arm around me as my head rested on her chest.

"See? I can be a better husband than him." She paused before asking, "How did you and Nick meet?"

I smiled, "During college, I'd just finished my first day at my internship and decided to go out to celebrate. Nick was the bartender; I thought he was cute."

Ashley started drawing shapes with her fingers over my forearm as I spoke, "Anyway, long story short, we ended up fucking in the bathroom and going on a date a week later."

She laughed, "That seems like something you'd do."

I wrapped my leg across her body, "How did you meet Kayla?"

"We met in middle school, when I moved here; immediately becoming best friends. We were inseparable, having sleepovers every night. Then, sometime around sophomore year at one of our sleepovers, we drank a few cans of cheap beer and fucked; that was the start of our relationship."

I smiled, "Was she good?"

"She was amazing. The way her fingers-"

"Okay, I don't think I need details."

She laughed, "Suit yourself."

I laid in her arms, enjoying the closeness; it was relaxing. I almost forgot it wasn't Nick that I was cuddling with.

"Can you stay the night?" I asked her.

"At this rate, you might as well give me a key to the house."

I ignored her comment and continued, "I'm too lazy to get up."

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