Chapter 19

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Ashley's POV

I admit, my reaction to seeing Veronica and her lawyer was a bit dramatic. But I couldn't help it. I just got so jealous seeing her flirt with another guy like that.

However, I decided, while we were on a break, I would use that to my advantage. I was going to make her just as jealous as she'd made me.

And so, that was what brought me to ask Mike Miller for his sister's number. When I dialed it, I was greeted by Jasmine's seductive voice, just as I'd remembered, "My brother told me you asked for my number."

"Yeah, I did."

I could practically see the smirk on her face as she spoke, "I suppose things with the married woman didn't work out."

It was half true and half not. We were on a break and in an argument. But I knew everything would return to normal soon enough, "Things got too complicated I suppose."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you."

There was a silence before she spoke again, "So what brings you to call me?"

"Oh right." I'd almost forgotten why I even asked for her number, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime."

"As in a friendly hang out, or a date?"

"A date."

There was another silence, most likely at the shock of my straightforwardness, before she spoke again, "Okay, how about tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. Can you pick me up from work?"


"Cool, so I'll see you at five tomorrow."

"Sounds good." And with that, she hung up.


The next day, I made sure to put in an extra effort into my appearance. Not to impress Jasmine or anything, but to make Veronica just a little more jealous.

School had just ended and I was making my way to the cafe. My heart sped up, it seemed to do that every time Veronica was around.

When I walked through the door, I took a quick glance around the room for Veronica. She was sitting at one of the tables with her laptop and a notebook; probably working out finances or something. She blended in well with everyone else, you'd think she was a customer rather than the owner.

I made my way into the back room and put on my apron and name tag. I made sure to push up my boobs a little bit; just in case Veronica decided to look over once or twice.

After doing so, I went out to the cashiers and got to work.

It was around five o'clock when everyone had left, leaving Veronica and I to ourselves. It was awkward and the tension was thick. Luckily, Jasmine would be here soon to save me.

"I don't need a ride today." I said.

"You finally got a car?"

"No, a friend is picking me up."

She nodded. We started wiping down the tables in silence. Then after a few minutes she spoke, "Which friend is it?"

"You remember the girl from that party I told you about?"

"The really pretty one?" Her voice was shaky.


"Oh." She said, "Well, I hope you have fun."

Shit. That didn't go the way I wanted it to go. All of a sudden, I wanted to tell her it was a joke. That I was just messing with her. I wanted to hold her and kiss her. Tell her she's the one for me. That the girl from the party wasn't remotely close to being as gorgeous as her.

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