Chapter 25

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If you are uncomfortable or sensitive to sexual content, feel free to stop reading the chapter midway. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy the long awaited chapter. Make sure you're not sitting by your parents, if you know what I mean ;)

Ashley's POV

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. Veronica had just told me that she loved me.

There was a huge difference between like and love. When you liked someone, you're heart fluttered every time they walked into the room. When you liked someone, you got excited to hear their name pop up in conversation. When you liked someone, you wanted to kiss them, touch them, hold them.

But love, that was totally different.

Love was a consuming feeling. One that took control of your thoughts, actions, and even sanity. Love made you do just about anything for a person. It could even drive you to the point of  insanity. Love wasn't just a desire, it was a need for survival.

So when I heard the words "I love you" come out of Veronica's mouth, to say I was surprised was an extreme understatement.

I sat there for probably ten minutes before finally snapping out of my trance. Veronica was staring at me. She looked terrified, most likely of rejection.

I stood up, "I have to go."

Before Veronica could protest or ask anything further, I was gone.

I ran out of the cemetery and as far away as I could get in the opposite direction before almost passing out. My lungs were close to collapsing when I finally stopped. I was panting like I'd just run a goddamn marathon.

I realized I'd run about a mile. The most I would probably ever run in my life. There was a reason I didn't join the track team.

When I finally caught my breathe, I pulled out my phone and dialed Maya's number.


I didn't have time for small talk, "I need you to pick me as soon as possible. I'm in front of that drag club on West twenty third street. This is an emergency." I hung up before she could ask any questions.

After about seven minutes of waiting and still trying to get my breathing back to normal, Maya arrived. I hopped in the passenger's seat, "That was fast."

"Well yeah, you said it was an emergency."

I smiled, "Thank you."

"Yeah, sure, now what is so insanely desperate that you dragged me out of a fucking date for?"

"I'll tell you later, but I need you to drive me to this address." I said, typing it into her car's GPS.

"You have arrived at your destination, please rate me on the Uber app."

I rolled my eyes, "Thank you, now wait here, I'll probably be about twenty minutes. I need another ride after this one."

She groaned, "Ugh, fine. But you owe me big time."

"I'll win the goddamn lottery for you if my plan works out."

"Great, then I'm honored to be your personal chauffeur for the day."

"Awesome, thanks." I said sarcastically, getting out of the car and knocking on the front door of the party house I'd previously been to. I was greeted by Jasmine, just the person I had been meaning to see.

She tried to pull me in for a kiss but I ignored her efforts and pushed past her into the house.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

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