Chapter 13

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I pulled in front of Nick's hotel and got out of the car. Here I was, about to face him with a huge purple bruise on my face. Even despite me covering it with makeup, it was still visible.

I headed into the building and up the the elevator as my heart sped up. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. Was he going to hit me again? No, he knew better than that.

I made my way down the hall and knocked on the room door he'd said he would be in. It didn't take long for him to appear. He smiled shyly, probably trying to look innocent. Which was something he wasn't.

"Hi, Veronica."

I didn't respond, just came into the room, closing the door behind me. I decided not to waste time and get straight to the point, "I'm getting a lawyer and you should have the divorce papers by the end of the week. And no, I'm not going to change my mind."

His eyes widened, clearly not expecting me to actually go forward with the divorce, "What!? Where am I going to live?"

"You have more than enough money to buy yourself a nice place."

"What about the kids?"

"My lawyer will talk to yours about custody."

He ran his hands through his hair, "Fuck, are you really doing this?"

"Yes, Nick."


Why!? Is he seriously asking me that? Is he that much of a self absorbed piece of shit?

"Because you hit me, more than once, might I add. And you fucking cheated on me."

He crossed his arms over his chest, "Your dad would be disappointed in you."

"You know what?" I said, making my way toward the door before I strangled him, "Just for that, I want full custody."

"You'll never get it."

"As the wife who got beat up and cheated on by her husband, I think I will."

And with that, I slammed the door behind me. What an asshole. How could I of been so stupid to marry than son of a bitch?

I mean really, who the fuck uses my dead father in an argument just to get some sort of leverage? He's practically asking for me to hire a hitman on him.

I used up my lunch break to come here and face Nick, which was clearly a waste of time. I headed back to the cafe and started to get a bit excited since Ashley would be there. I hadn't seen her since the last night, when we kissed. Beside Nick and the divorce, the only thing I'd been able to think about was kissing her.

I parked in front of the cafe and got out. My heart was racing as I came in through the door and saw Ashley. She looked hot. Even more than usual. Her cleavage was more visible and her face displayed more makeup than I'd ever seen her wear. Was she trying to impress me?

"Oh hey Veronica, can I see you in the back room for a minute?"

I nodded and followed behind her. When the door closed, she leaned into me and connected our lips. I was so shocked that for a minute, I forgot to close my eyes and kiss back.

Then she pulled away and smiled, "How was your lunch break?"

I was a bit taken aback at her nonchalant attitude considering we'd just made out, but answered her question anyway, "It was horrible."


"I went to see Nick and tell-"

"What!? you went to see Nick!?"

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