Chapter 6

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"You did good for your first day." I said, wiping down tables after everyone left.

"Thank you."

"Do you remember last night?" I asked, changing the subject, "You were pretty drunk."

"Yeah, I remember."

I paused before speaking, "So you're gay, huh?"

She laughed, "Yeah, I am."

"Did you ever call that girl back?"

"I wasn't really into her."

"What?" I asked, "But you asked for her number."

"Yeah, because you told me to."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

Ashley's first day went really well; she was good with the customers and amazing at making coffee. However, the whole reason I even asked her to work for me was because I wanted to spend more time with her, and so far, that had been working out nicely.

After cleaning up the cafe, we got into my car and I spoke, "Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

She smiled, "It seems like me being gay is all you can think about."

"Actually, the only thing I can think about is why the fuck you won't just answer the damn question."

She laughed, "Yes, I've had a girlfriend before."


"I've had a few, but only one of them was serious."

"Tell me about her."

She giggled, "You're starting to sound like your therapist."

"Get out of the car so I can run you over."

She laughed, "I'm just kidding."

"Mhm, sure."

She settled down from her laughter and started talking, "She was beautiful."

I took a quick glance at her; I'd never heard Ashley talk about anyone like this before.

"Everything about her gave me butterflies. She was perfect."

"Why did you break up?"

She sat up straight, almost as if my question physically hurt her, "It was Kayla."

I immediately pulled over on the side of the road at the mention of Kayla's name. Ashley turned to face me, "I really miss her."

I could hear her voice get shaky, "I know." I held out my arms for her and she pulled into my embrace, "I know you do."

I felt my shirt grow wet with tears. For the first time since I'd met her—less than a week ago—I was seeing her break down, which was something I didn't think happened very often.

She pulled back to talk, "She seemed fine, if I would have known something was wrong, I could have-"

"Ashley, you couldn't have done anything to stop it from happening, it's not your fault."

She started crying again and wrapped her arms around me, her head on my chest. I held her close to me, trying my best to comfort her. We stayed like that for a while.

When she eventually calmed down, I had an idea, "Why don't I call Nick and tell him I won't be home until late? I can take you out to do something fun."

"No, your kids miss you and you should see your husband."

I smiled, "Ash, It's fine. I would much rather hang out with you, anyway."

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