Chapter 48.

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Chapter 48

"Is everything going to plan?" Caren asked the Oceanus through the iris message, as all the demigods behind him, gathered eagerly.

"Didn't you feel the power blast boy?" Oceanus sneered, swivelling through the water, in search of the necklace. "She was stupid enough to believe her father's plan. But once I acquire this, I will take over and reward you nicely."

"Just make sure you find it before Poseidon does, otherwise this will be worth nothing," Caren's eyes lit up, as Oceanus glared at him.

"She doesn't know the truth. Neither do they. Her killing that son of Aphrodite is only going to give us more power than ever. She came back after months and they still trusted her. But we had her too. She's working for us even if she doesn't know it," he waved and the picture disappeared.

Caren grunted, stabbing his sword into the ground as the other demigods went back to work.
The blast may have gotten rid of their monsters but they were still there. They could still fight.
Sure Priya didn't know that she was really helping them, but Oceanus was underestimating them, he thought.

That night when Priya came to the border, after multiple times of trying to lure her out, she had finally arrived and let them in.
And then that stupid Aria had to tell the son of Aphrodite their plan. Fortunately it had worked out, and they suspected that she was the once who invited the monsters in, when it was Priya.

Half asleep, half brainwashed Priya, who just had to listen to Oceanus' voice and obeyed it, like the pawn she was.

Percy and Priya went out early the next morning, before anyone else had awaken and dived into the freezing cold water. Sure, she didn't ask for permission from Chiron, but they were both healthy, and was sure he'd let them do it anyways.

They swam to the bottom, and all around the cliff where Jay fell off, but no body was found. Even the sea nymphs were reluctant to give them information on if he had been there or not.
Defeated, they exited the water, clothes still dry and headed straight to the dining pavilion to have breakfast.

After breakfast, they had gathered the bodies and respective shrouds to burn and salute the other demigods who had died in the battle.

She stood at the back of the crowd, furthest away from the pyres, wearing her orange camp t shirt and black shorts. She felt like a fraud.

Maybe all of this was her fault. If she had just continued fighting instead of stabbing Jay, maybe they would've survived, or maybe she would've gone down with them.
Either way, she wouldn't have to be there watching them bury the people she's known for the past 10 years.

Percy sat at the front with Annabeth, as they both consoled campers from cabins 5, 6, 10, 20 and 11. Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Hecate and Hermes.

They had given Aria rights too, because even though she betrayed them, she had also tried to make it right, and they believed that was worth the effort.

They hadn't yet had one for Jay because she wanted them to have a physical body, but Chiron gave her one week, and if not, they were going to give him a send off.

As they burnt and the different colours emanated from their shrouds- she turned and headed to the arena. It was the only way she could calm her mind.

As they all returned to their normal activities once the smoke disappeared and the funeral was done, Percy huddled next to Annabeth, telling her of his thoughts.

Priya wasn't the only one feeling like an imposter. Percy blamed himself for keeping the whole prophecy from her. She went on the quest and had a right to know the full thing, but scared that it might come true, they never told her.

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