Chapter 30.

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Chapter 30

Everything that he said to me just came flooding in. She's alive. A breath of relief escaped my lips. My chest started pounding harder, since all I wanted to do now, was to find her.

" Why did she run from you?" I asked him while he was still here.
" I mentioned to her something that she would do, and just as I thought how she'd react, she did. She ran because she simply didn't trust me enough. Or maybe it was because I'm not in my usual attire and she might've thought it was a trick."
" But you're her father, she has to trust you."
" I am her father, yes but trust must be earned, and kept and I lost that trust when she was being tortured in Tartarus and I couldn't help her."
" She was tortured?" My mind was filled with ecstasy to know that she was alive that I didn't even think about what she would've gone through.
Poseidon nodded his head.
" I've looked for her. I tried using my power to sense where she could be but I'm becoming weaker and she's blocking me out."
" I'll find her. I'll make sure she's safe. Should I inform anyone at camp?"
" No, Jay. You must not tell anyone. Not even my son. No one must know that she's alive." With those words being said, he disappeared.

I was in shock. Priya's alive. A small smile crept across my face and my eyes filled with tears. She was tortured he said. But she was alive. It was getting dark out and I decided to stay on one of the benches on the street. Just so that I could stay alert in case anything weird happened.

I woke up and ran inside a convenience store, since the rain started to pour. Really Poseidon? I thought we were getting along quite well. I wiped my feet on the map and walked in, deciding to get a few things to eat and drink. The store was basically abandoned, except for the cashier restocking the shelves, and another person with their hoodie up, grabbing a few chips off the shelves.

I reached into the freezer to get an energy drink when the person in the hoodie, aggressively slammed the bag of chips, among other snacks onto the countertop and grabbed two waters from the freezer. The person pulled out some cash from their pocket and put it in front of the cashier.

As soon as the cashier had finished bagging the items, the person grabbed the bag and walked out, not even waiting for a receipt or change.

I dropped a bag of chips, 2 pack of gummies, a chicken sandwich, an energy drink and a water onto the counter before the cashier. He looked up at me and then back down at the items I just put down. His eyes looked red and teary, an indication that he was either crying prior to cashing my items or that he lacked sleep. His neck had a tattoo and I'm pretty sure that underneath his long sleeves, his arms would be tattooed. I thought it was cool.

One by one, he started to scan the items.
"Are you with that other rude dude?" He asked not making eye contact with me.
"What other dude?" I asked back calmly.
"The one that just left quickly. He's been in here everyday, for the past week just picking up the same items. A bag of chips, some other snacks and a water... quite similar to you."

Immediately I recognized that the items he just called were given to someone on the run, no actual meals since they tend to spoil faster... just pick up food along the way whenever you can. Maybe the person that bought those things was a demigod... surely he might help me out in finding Priya.
I paid the guy and then stuffed my items into my backpack and walked outside hoping to find the guy that was just in here. He was wearing a grey bulky hoodie with a black jacket on top, with black jeans. That was all that I had to go off of. This isn't going to be difficult at all.

I walked down the street and turned left onto a longer, narrow street. It was dimly lit since it lacked street lights and was only getting the glow emitted from the ones on the Main Street.  I walked carefully down the street, clutching my sword at my side, in case of a surprise attack. I noticed that there was an alley in between the buildings, where the dumpsters were stacked. I debated whether or not to go in but eventually decided not to, since it was a dead end.

After a few more minutes of walking around the area, I decided to book a room at a nearby motel. At least my bags and weapons would remain safe there and I could finally have a shower. Then maybe I could take a fresh approach on looking for Priya the next day.

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