Chapter 1.

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"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood," I said to a 12 year old Brazilian boy. "This is your new home and it's the safest place you can be." I walked off and left him with the satyrs.

"Dang it. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Priya Campbell, I'm 16, I'm from Brooklyn and I'm a daughter of Poseidon," I rehearsed as I walked towards the arena.

Then suddenly someone tackled me to  the ground.
"Ugh," I groaned and tried to overcome my sudden attack.
"Gods, I thought you'd be happy to see me," the guy replied.
" Jay!!!" I screamed, hugging him.
" I thought you would have been looking for me but I guess you didn't," he said playfully.
" I did look but then I got busy. I'm headed to the arena to train," I said.
"Alright well so am I," he replied.

Together we walked off to the arena. After about 3 hours, we stopped training and decided to get ready for our camp's Friday night campfire.
I headed back to cabin 3 and got ready for dinner. I decided to wear some jean shorts, and a simple jacket with my orange camp t shirt. Around 7, all the campers gathered in the mess hall at their respective tables.
Being myself, I had to sit with my brother Percy. Yes, the great Percy Jackson. The one who saved the world about 5 times. That was really no big deal amongst the two of us though, I just knew him as my annoying big brother.
After dinner, we gathered at the amphitheatre around the campfire while the Apollo cabin led us in singing "this is Minos' land" a camp favourite. The fire flowed bright orange and red, reflecting the good vibes given off by the campers, as Chiron stood opposite us watching. I was surprised that even the Ares cabin sang along, though they didn't look too happy about it.

Of course the camp couples occupied a section on the rows of benches, while holding hands and singing to each other. Even Percy and Annabeth. Wow thanks brother for abandoning me. I wondered where Tyson was, hoping to have some company, then remembered he was in the forges, trying to mend together a shield that was perfect for Percy.

Then I felt a hand wrap around my waist and of course it was Jay. " So you wanna leave here?" He asked while watching around at the couples.
" Yeah. That would be my preference," I replied, and laughed.
We walked down to the lake and sat on the shore, as the canoes gently drifted with the waves.
" How's your dad?" I asked.
"He's alright. Better now that the last time I visited him but he still wishes that my mom would visit him."
" I'm sure she would visit him soon and he'll get better," I replied half heartedly, knowing that Aphrodite wouldn't even remember his father at all.
"Yeah that is what he thinks," he shrugged, lacing his finger with mine and pulling me closer.
We continued talking about life and our families and what we wanted to achieve in the future. I was always amazed by how quickly our answers would change.

From wanting to be a model to being a surgeon to just being happy.
That was a hard thing for us demigods to achieve: Happiness.
Jay never really liked the ocean much being a Son of Aphrodite and from Queens, But after spending 4 years with me, he has defintely learned how to love the ocean.

For me, the ocean was the source of my emotions. I would always come here just to watch out at the water and talk to my dad. Whether I was angry or sad, he seemed to take it away, though he wasn't physically there. I guessed it was just the calming sense of the water and the hopes that someone in Olympus, he was listening to me.

When the singing had died down, and it was almost curfew, we walked past the now small campfire glowing white (it's usual colour) and back to our cabins.

The Blood of Poseidon [Based on Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now