Sad Ending Version : A funeral.

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[ Ok guys sorry, remember,  I love you ! ❤ ]

The crowd had arrived early. The funeral was scheduled for eight in the morning. Silence reigned.
You could see big tears on the cheeks, which fell like rain in the middle of a summer day. Everyone was dressed in black, except for the corpse, who was in light white clothing. He looked peaceful, as if he was sleeping deeply, no one could hurt him and he couldn't hurt anyone now...
An old man cleared his throat before reading his speech, written on a white sheet:

- Hm hm. Everyone here is present to say a last goodbye to the deceased; he was a son, a brother or even a friend. For others he was an idol, gifted and loved. His fans won't forget him, he leaves with all their love and support. Thank you all for being there for him, although not very talkative, he loved people and life. They said of him that he was a simple man: he was still young, too young to leave us. It is with sadness that I must announce the final oath.

The man sang in a soft voice, calm and rested. The crowd quietly followed the man's words, but many were just crying.
The coffin chosen was magnificent: white and the interior was red like wine. There are also many golden touches and black flowers, on the wall, we had installed his favorite blue guitar.

- My friends, I invite you to come, say your last word.... Please, stay in line, take your time, this is the final moment. Thank you for coming here, if you have questions, I'll be in the back. Thank you.

Porchay was watching from afar, he didn't want to get to close, he was watching the scene with detachment; Wayu had come, to support Porchay, he was holding his hand. Behind Wayu, there was Doctor Top and Doctor Phana, Yu's boyfriend. The two men were tall, neutral looking : they were used to such a situation, death was an old friend for doctors...
When Porchay felt ready, he turned on his heels and left the room, the funeral had been beautiful, maybe it's too much. Be still, many people loved him.

- P’Chay! Called in his little Wayu voice, who was crying , he couldn't stand the sight of sad people.
- Wayu, give him time, he looked tired, his boyfriend gently holds him back.
- But P'Pha...
- Enough...
- Tankhun is waiting in the car, Nong Chay.

Top looked calmly at Chay, who had completely hidden his face with the hood of his black sweater, his sunglasses and a black mask. It was almost impossible to recognize the young man. He also had dark circles and his face looked tired.
A young woman, who stood out from everyone in the crowd thanks to her long pink hair, positioned herself close to Chay before pouting and hugging the young boy:

- Hi, Nong ChayChay! Haven't seen you for a long time. How are you ?
- Hmm.
- Ai'Tin even cried once!
- Hey! Tin's voice came from the crowd, he walked calmly smiling and he pushed Shampoo to hug his friend.
- Sorry, P'Shampoo... Ai'Tin. Things have taken a strange turn lately.. I'm very busy.
- Yes we know, don't worry.
- I am here for you, you know, as your bestfriend. Said Tin.
- Me too ! Yelled Shampoo.
- We love you ! They both said while looking at Chay.

Doctor Top looked at Phana before showing her a message on his phone, the two doctors had to go save lives... So Porchay watched everyone leave, and he avoided the crowd, before walking away.
He needed to clear his mind, his head ached and he was tired. The love of his life was asleep now ; he no longer needed to return. Kimhan Theerapanyakul could sleep in peace... Chay would soon join his boyfriend.

Porchay walked for a long time, he ended up finding a nice place, he took a picture of a pretty tree with yellow leaves before sending it to Kimhan's phone number .... He attached a message: I'm thinking of you. I love you. I miss you.


- Meow! Meow !

Porchay noticed a small grey kitten stuck on a branch of the tree, cruel children had tied him with a rope by the tail and the animal had even received stones on his fragile little body. Porchay could see the baby trembling and his heart hurt.

- Hey, come here little one, Porchay said in a soft voice, he gently grabbed the kitten before hugging it against his heart.

The very moment he laid eyes on the little cat, he already knew that a strong bond united them... He was so cute and inoffensive, with big yellow eyes and small ears.

- Meow! Meow!
- You are so cute.... How could someone hurt you ?! Tss....I should give you a name.... Let's see, I should give you a name related to the person I love the most on this earth.. Yes, I have a idea... (Porchay looked at the kitten's crotch before smiling). Perfect, little guy, you will be...... Nong Han....
- Meow?
- For Kimhan Theerapanyakul, the love of my life. You know he saved my life, many times, so today let me save yours. Be a good boy, come on.

Porchay gently stroked the kitten and he headed out into the noisy town, toward a vet.

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