College Offers

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Colton-"You guys are not going to believe what just came in the mail".

TJ-"What is it buddy?"

Derek-"Good news or bad news?"

JJ-"Tell us dude".

Colton-"College offers, like five of them for football!"

TJ-"Bud that's awesome, which schools?"

Colton-"So far, LSU, Arizona, Clemson, North Carolina, and Wisconsin".

JJ-"North Carolina, oh K is going to flip when I tell her".

Derek-"Were those the ones that were at practice?"

Colton-"Some of them were, but some were at the game, coach said he gave almost every team film of the seniors who want to play in college, this was fast the game was literally last week and I wasn't even there".

TJ-"You still have time to decide bud, so don't stress on it".

Colton-"I know, you should've seen mom when I got home from practice". (laughs)

Connie-"Hey I'm super proud of you, they were happy tears".

JJ-"Grandpa would be so proud of you bud".

Colton-"I know he would be, I called grandma to tell her the news then I went over right after I called".

Logan-"Uncle Colt!"

Colton-"Hey little man, what ya up to?"

Logan-"Nothing, miss you!"

Colton-"Miss you too buddy, I'll see you soon though".

TJ-"Heck yeah only a couple more weeks".

Derek-(laughs) "You gotta start preparing for the other one too".

Colton-"Yeah I know, when is she due again?"

Gabriella-"Around December".

JJ-"Proud of you bud".

Derek-"Same here".

TJ-"Love you buddy!"

Colton-"Love you guys too, I'm gonna go I gotta finish up some homework".

Once he was done on facetime with his brothers, Colton went up to his room and started to write his final draft of his eassy, he stopped midway through for dinner, once he got downstairs he ate with his parents

John-"So who you thinking?"

Connie-"John, let him be he still has time".

Colton-"I kinda figured Wisconsin would be one since Eric was there the other day, but I was not expecting the others, let alone LSU and Clemson".

John-"Well I know for a fact that whoever you choose they are going to get a great additon".

Colton-"Thanks dad".

After dinner Colton heads up to his room and makes a post on twitter

CJWatt19-"And the offers have already started, I still have time to decide, but this is just the beginning #collegeoffers".

JJWatt replied- Proud of you baby brother

TJWatt90 replied-Things are just getting started!

DerekWatt replied- Whoever you choose has made the right decision to give you an offer

KealiaWatt replied- JJ just told me who all sent offers I am excited for you!

Once Colton was done on his phone he watched tv for a little bit, his phone rang a bit after


Brody-"Dude five colleges?!"

Colton-(laughs) "Yeah even LSU, and Clemson can you believe it?"

Brody-"Honeslty I can't dude, I only got two Arizona and Wisconsin, please tell me you got one from Wisconsin".

Colton-"As a matter of fact I did, even Arizona, dude this is crazy".

Brody-"So who you thinking?"

Colton-"I have no idea, I still have time".

Brody-"That's what my parents said, well see ya tomorrow dude".

Colton-"See ya".

After they hang up Colton starts his poster for his essay, he decides to be done for the night then goes to bed, in Houston JJ is talking to Kealia

JJ-"I can't believe he's getting offers already".

Kealia-"You knew it was coming hun". (rubs his back)

JJ-"You think he'll choose Wisconsin?"

Kealia-"He will know what's best for him when the time comes, but it would be cool if he chose Wisconsin, he would be the fourth Watt to play there".

JJ-"Don't lie you want him to choose North Carolina". (smirks)

Kealia-"Okay it would be cool if he chose to go there". (laughs)

JJ-"I'm glad I got you home for the next couple weeks". (hugs her)

Kealia-"Same here babe, I can't wait to see the girls in Pittsburgh, and Colton I've missed him".

JJ-"I'm just glad things are good between us now".

Kealia-"Same here". (kisses him)

They talk some more then head to bed 

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