Rose Bowl

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Erin-"Colton what are you going to do after this?"

Colton-"Well first off I just wanna say thank you to the fans of Madison it has been a heck of a year, second of all as many of you know I am declaring for the draft, so I guess I'm gonna finish up this semester of college and while doing that prepare for the combine, oh and one other thing I think me and the guys are gonna go to Disneyland tomorrow".

All of the guys cheer, after that they head back to the lockeroom and change, oh did I mention they won the Rose Bowl against TCU, once they head out Colton meets up with his family

Logan-"Uncle Colt!" (hugs him)

Colton-"Hey buddy". (kisses his head)

Tyler walks out with the other boys

Trixie-"There's daddy". (walks over with the twins)

Tyler-"There they are". (picks up one of the twins)

Colton-"How's the little man doing?"

Trixie-"Better than he was, just glad we can have them both together again".

Hailey-"I just love this little princess".

Derek-"What are their names again".

Tyler-"Jenson Tyler, and Maddie Elizabeth".

Connie-"I love those names".

Brody-"Can't wait for my little guy to get here".

Tasha-"Same here".

John-"Well I say let's get out of here and get something to eat before you boys go and celebrate".

They all head to eat, the families say their goodbyes then they head back to their hotel, instead of going to the party Hailey and Colton had something else in mind, and well I think you can figure that out lol

IG Post

Caption- We did it boys, this one was for you Cruz! #12forever

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Caption- We did it boys, this one was for you Cruz! #12forever

JJWatt replied- Proud big brother right now

TJWatt90 replied- You made the name proud tonight buddy

DerekWatt replied -So proud

TomBrady12 replied-Loved watching you boys play, and thank you for mentioning Cruz it means a lot to the family

a/n this chapter doesn't really make a lot of sense I was having a rough day making this one that I just made it up real quick

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