Spending Time With Family/Packing

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Connie-"Got almost everything?"

Colton-"I think so mom".

John-"Seems just like yesterday we were helping your brothers pack". (tears up)

Colton-"Dad". (hugs him)

Ozzy comes over and whines Colton picks him up

Colton-"You behave okay, I'll come and visit". (kisses his head)

TJ-"How much more do you need to put in the jeep buddy?"

Colton-"I think I have almost everything, just gotta pack up my art stuff then I should be good to go".

JJ-"You're lucky I still have my truck when I come home".

Logan-"Uncle Colt!" (hugs him)

Colton-"Hi buddy". (kisses his head)

Gabriella-"Someone else wants to say hi as well". (hands him Brayden)

Colton-"You're getting big little man".

Connie-"Dinner is almost ready".

Once Colton is all done getting his things in the jeep he heads back in and has dinner with everyone Brody and his parents came over as well

Jack-"Thanks for the invite".

John-"Not a problem you guys are family".

Brody-"You ready for tomorrow dude?"

Colton-"Heck yeah, plus I finally get to see Hailey".

Derek-"Oh young love". (laughs)

Logan-"Gonna miss you". (hugs Colton)

Kealia-"Awww Logan".

Colton-"Gonna miss you too buddy, but hey I'll see you at family day right?"


They all laugh, once dinner is over Brody and his parents leave, Colton heads to him room where it's almost empty, JJ, TJ, and Derek then come in

Derek-"You okay dude?"

Colton-(sighs) "Yeah, it's crazy how everything is coming together ya know".

TJ-"Oh we know buddy trust us". (pats his back)

JJ-(sits on his bed) "You going to be okay?"

Colton-"Yeah I mean, I'll have Brody and Hailey".

Derek-"We're so proud of you, you know that right?"

Colton-"I do, I'm proud of you guys as well".

Logan-(runs in and tackles Colton) "Uncle Colt!"

JJ-"Get him Logan". (joins in)

TJ and Derek join is all well, the girls then come in and tackle all of them

Dani-"Oh boy what are we going to do with these guys".

Gabriella-"No idea, I guess we'll have to keep them around". (laughs)

After that they left Coltons room, Colton changed for the night then he went to bed, JJ was up putting a few more things in his truck when Kealia came out

Kealia-"You alright babe?"

JJ-"Yeah just putting some last few things for Colt in the truck".

Kealia-"You're getting nervous aren't you?"

JJ-(sighs) "He's my baby brother K of course I am".

Kealia-"I remember when you took him to his first day of school for sophmore year that one year".


JJ-"Have a great first day".


JJ-"You okay?"

Colton-"You're going back to Houston after I get out aren't you?"

JJ-(sighs) "Yeah I am bud, but don't worry I'll be home for one of your games".

Colton-(hugs him) "Okay".


End of flashback

JJ-"Yeah I remember that".

Kealia-"Well it's getting late, Colt has to be at campus before one".

They then head to bed 

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