Thanks But I'm Taken

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It was the first week of practice and also some classes have already started, Colton was coming out of his chemistry class when someone came up to him

Trixie-"Hi there, I'm Trixie Morris nice to meet you".

Colton-"Nice to meet you too Trixie, I'm Colton".

Trixie-"Watt, I know I'm one of the cheerleaders this year so I'll be cheering you guys on".

Colton-"Cool, well I guess I'll see you around". (walks away)

After that Colton heads to his next class that he has with Brody, he walks in and sits by him

Brody-"Yo is that Trixie chick flirting with you too".

Colton-"Yeah I was coming out of chemistry when she walked up to me".

Trixie-"Well this is a surprise". (sits in front of them)

Hailey-(comes in and sits down by Colton) "Hey baby".

Colton-(kisses her cheek) "Hey".

The class starts, once it's over the boys head to practice, where they see Trixie again

Brody-"Jesus christ".

Trixie-"Hi boys".

Colton-"Trixie listen, we love the attention, but we're seeing people".

Brody-"Thanks, but I'm taken, you're lucky she doesn't go here unlike his girl".

Trixie-"Oh my gosh you two thought I was flirting with you, I'm Tylers girlfriend I was just trying to get to know you guys". (laughs)

Tyler-(comes up) "Hey see you guys have met Trixie".

Brody-"That we have".

Colton-"Sorry bro we thought she was hitting on us we didn't know she was your girlfriend till she said".

Tyler-"It's alright you aren't the only ones, she likes to flirt then finally says that I'm dating her".

Trixie-"Oops". (laughs)

They head to practice, Colton does some reps with the offense

Cruz-"Yo Watt you better live up to the name".

Reggie-"Leave him be dude".

Colton-"Listen just because my brother likes to sack your brother every year doesn't mean we need to be enemies Brady".

Cruz-"Oh so that's how it's gonna be?"

Reggie-"Alright your just pissed cause you didn't get starter".

Cruz-"Well look who's smart".

Coach-"Alright that's enough, Watt a word".

Colton goes over to coach and they talk

Colton-"What's up coach?"

Coach-"Don't let Cruz get to you alright, I've coached his brother before for a little bit, thos Bradys have short fuzes".

Colton-"Trust me I know, from both TJ and JJ".

Reggie-(walks over) "Coach, Brody and Cruz are getting into it".

Colton-(runs over and pulls Brody off of Cruz) "Dude stop".

Coach-"Listen up and listen now, you guys are teammates I don't care if you have your difference, just because we have some well known last names on this team does not mean we treat them differently, you understand".

All of them-"Yes coach!"

Once practice was done they all headed to the showers, once they were done their they all headed back to their dorms, once Colton and Brody got to theirs they started their homework

Colton-(phone rings) "Hello?"

Tom-"Hey JJ gave me your number, listen Cruz called me don't listen to anything he says alright kid".

Colton-(laughs) "Yeah I know, he didn't get starter so he's pissed off".

Tom-"Oh trust me I heard all about it, but you deserve every right to be starter, and that's coming from his big brother, his attitude is the worst".

Colton-"He hasn't changed at all since the last time I saw him, but hey thanks for the call".

Tom-"No problem kid, hey goodluck this season".

After they hang up Colton gets back to his homework

Brody-"What do you think about that Reggie?"

Colton-"Better than fuckin Cruz Brady".

Brody-"I can't believe he's upset about not being a starter, he literally can be the starter once you leave".

Colton-"What do you mean?"

Brody-"Dude you'll be here for two years top, I'm calling it".

Colton-(laughs) "Thanks man, I see you out of here by next season".

The both laugh after that they go to eat dinner with some of the team members

Tyler-"There they are".

Trixie-"Hey guys".

Colton-"Hey, hope ya don't mind that Hailey tagged along".

Reggie-"Not at all, my girl and her are teammates".

Jasmine-"Hey Hails".

Hailey-"Hey girl".

They eat dinner, afterwards they all head back to their dorms, Colton and Brody get ready for bed

Colton-(phones rings) "Hello?"

JJ-"What's this Cruz Brady thing about?"

Colton-(sighs) "He's just jealous that he's not starting, Tom called earlier".

JJ-"Yeah he messaged me and asked for your number, he told me all about Cruz and what happend between him and Brody at practice".

Colton-"I don't know what all was said between those two, I was talking to coach".

JJ-"Well Cruz must've said something to piss Brody off like that".

Colton-"I'll talk to him tomorrow about it he went to bed, I'm up finishing some work".

JJ-"Classes start already?"

Colton-"For the football players".

JJ-"Alright well I'll let you go bud, see ya next week"

Colton-"See ya". (hangs up)

Once Colton was off the phone he finished up his work then went to bed

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