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John-"You guys almost ready to go?"

JJ-"Yeah dad, Colt's already at the school right?"

Connie-"Yeah he had to be there for last minute stuff".

TJ-"I still can't believe the senior class chose you for the speech".

Derek-"Does Colton know?"

JJ-"I have no idea, but I gotta get going see you guys there".

After JJ and Kealia leave the others finish getting ready then head to the school, when they get there they find their seats, Brian, Meagan, and the boys also came to see Colton

Brad-"Thought I saw you guys".

TJ-"Hey man what's up?" (hugs him)

Brad-"Here to see the little man graduate, seems just like yesterday he came for his first workout".


Colton-"How much weight did you put on this?" (pants)

Brad-"It's literally seventy five pounds". (laughs)

Colton-"Put more on it, it seems light".

Brad-"If you say so".

End of flashback

Brian-"Where's J?"

Derek-"He's the guest speaker, the senior class picked him, Colt has no idea cause he wasn't there the day they voted".

Meagan-"That is so exciting".

TJ-"Wait a minute Valedictorian?!"

Connie-"I knew we forgot to tell you something".(laughs)

The ceremony starts, the graduating class takes their seats on stage, they say the pledge then it's time for the Salutatorian speech which was Hailey

Hailey-"Family, friends, faculty and staff, welcome to Pewaukee High School where tonight we are celebrating the class of 2020, after graduation some of us wil head off to college, work in the workforce, or even the military. My time in Pewaukee has been the best I have made best friends, played my favorite sport, and also found love. There are a lot of memories that were made, but senior year has been memorable for sure. For instance, we won back to back football championships, Brody and Colton are actually getting along, and as for me I am moving forward with my education at the University of Wisconsin where I am continuing my soccer journey. Thank you all for helping me along the way, to the class of 2020 I will miss you guys so much".

After Hailey is done she goes to sit down, Colton is then called up

Colton-"It's a honor to be up here tonight giving this speech, I wouldn't be here without my friends, family, and especially my coaches. I could say everything I want to, but we have so little time, so I will leave you with this. Always fight for your dreams, cause if you do you will get there, since I was a little kid I dreamt of playing at UW and well that dream as come true. All of us are going our seperate ways, like Hailey said, some college, workforce, military. Goodluck to all of you, and who knows down the road we will see eachother again. Someone once told to dream big you have to work hard, and well I know all of us on this stage did. Thank you Pewaukee it's been awesome".

He then goes to sit down, the principal announces the guest speaker and Colton is shocked

JJ-"It is an honor to be the guest speaker here tonight, it is even more special because I get to see my little brother walk across this stage. It's crazy to see you guys on this stage, I remember some of you when you would come to the football games and take pictures. Just like Colton said, dream big work hard, it's a motto that I have lived by since 2009 when I started my foundation. If you dream big and work hard you will acheive your dreams, to everyone goodluck and to those going into the military thank you for your service".

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