The Return

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Pat-"CJ Watt is back for todays game he was out a couple weeks with an ankle injury, also some family affair today the Steelers have a bye week so his two brothers TJ and Derek Watt are here at the game today, Nicole is with them right now".

Nicole-"Thanks Pat, TJ and Derek I just wanna ask how proud are you guys that the fact that your little brother is playing football at Wisconsin".

TJ-"It's emotional that's for sure, Derek and I actual had some tears in our eyes when they ran out of the tunnel just a little bit ago".

Derek-"To see him playing here is just a blessing there's a poster of TJ, JJ, and I where the lockeroom is, so I'm hoping they update it".

Nicole-"Well there you have it back to you Pat".

Once the interviews were over the game started, Colton got the ball and threw it to Reggie, he got the first down, Colton then threw the ball again to Tyler and he ran it for a touchdown

Announcer-"Touchdown Badgers!"

TJ-"Let's go!!!!!"

Derek-"Nice throw Colt!"

Trixie-"Nice catch baby!!"

Logan-"Uncle Colt!"

The game ends with the Badgers winning, once Colton is done with his interview he comes over and picks up Brayden from Derek and also Logan then takes some pictures

Hailey-(kisses him) "You going home?"

Colton-"Yeah I'm gonna go to the cemetary".

Derek-"We'll meet you at the campus bud".

After that Colton goes to get cleaned up, after that him and Brody head back to the campus, once they get there they grab their things and get in the jeep to head back to Pewaukee, once they get there they go to JJs cabin after they make a pit stop to get Ozzy, and drop off Brody at his house

Colton-"Here we are". (lets Ozzy out)

Logan-"Ozzy!" (pets him)

Brayden-"Uncle Colt!"

Colton-(shocked) "Did you just say my name?"

Gabriella-"He was screaming in the stands". (smiles)

Derek-"How's the ankle?"

Colton-"Felt good".

TJ-"You okay bud?"

Colton-"Yeah I'm just tired, with practice then studying for midterms".

Hailey-"I hear ya babe, I was literally studying on the bus trip back last week".

After that they head inside and eat some food, after that Hailey leaves to head home, TJ comes into Coltons room and sits on the bed

TJ-"So I heard you gave her a ring?"

Colton-(smiles) "Just a promise ring nothing big, Brody was gonna propose to Tasha and I told him to slow down, so he got her a promise ring also".

TJ-"Trust me as soon as I started to date Dani I wanted to do the same thing, but I took my time".

Colton-"I know you got a good girl, all three of you do".

TJ-"So do you buddy". (pats his back)

Logan and Brayden come in

Colton-"What are you two doing?" (puts them on the bed)

Logan-"Wanted to say goodnight".

Brayden-"Night night".

TJ-(laughs) "I guess it's bedtime then".

Logan-"Uncle Colt bed".

Colton-"Okay I'll put you to bed, you got Brayden Teej".

Colton and TJ put the boys to bed, after that the let their dogs outside, once they get the dogs back inside everyone else goes to bed for the night

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