First Day Of Practice

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Kliff-"CJ and Diaz get some reps".

Tyler-"Got it coach".

They go over and do some reps, Tyler runs route for Colton to throw to him, after a bit they are done

Maxx-"Dang he can throw".

Trey-"Kid has a better arm than I did my rookie season".

Colt-"He has a better arm than I ever did".(laughs)

Kylar-"We'll see". (goes to did his reps)

Zach-"Jealous much?"

Kylar-"No come on".

They head to do their reps while Colton and Tyler are looking at the playbook

Budda-"What you young kids doing?"

Tyler-"Reading so we don't mess up anything, preseason is soon".

Budda-"I get it, I was a rookie once myself".

JJ-"He giving you two a hard time?"

Colton-"Not at all J". (smiles)

Buddad-"What I can't come over and say hi especially to baby brother wow". (laughs and runs off)

Zac-"I think the one you should worry about giving you a hard time is Kylar, he wasn't too happy about Kliffs decison on drafting you".

JJ-"Who cares, he almost didn't have a contract this year".

Zac-"We got your back no matter what lil bro". (pats Coltons back)

Colton-"Thanks guys".

Once practice was done everyone got a shower, as Colton was heading out of the building Kylar caught up with him

Kylar-"Just so you know, you're a rookie".

Colton-"Yeah I know, listen Kylar I'm not here to take your spot if anything I would've been happy with whoever drafted me, it was Kliffs decison why I don't know, so just stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours".

Kylar-"Just because you're a Watt".

Zac-"Leave him alone Kylar".

Kylar walks off and Zac walks with Colton to the car, when he gets there JJ is waiting

JJ-"What took you so long?"

Zac-"Kylar happend, don't worry though I came before a fight started".

Colton-"Thanks again man". (fists bumps him)

After that the headed home, once they got there they let the dogs out and got something to eat, after that Colton went to his room to read the playbook

Kealia-"So how did it go?"

JJ-"Other than Kylar everyone else is good with him".

Kealia-"Oh gosh what happend?"

JJ told her about practice and what happend with the encounter between Colton and Kylar, once they were done Kealia went to Coltons room

Colton-"Hey what's up sis?"

Kealia-"JJ told me about Kylar you okay?"

Colton-"Yeah I'm fine, it's a veteran picking on a rookie, I kinda expected it".

Kealia-"JJ isn't too happy about it".

Colton-"I'm fine K, if something major happens I know Kliff will do something". (pats her leg)

They talk a bit more then Kealia leaves his room when Hailey calls, they talk for a bit, after a bit JJ came into Coltons room with a box

Colton-"What's that?"

JJ-"It was suppose to be for your birthday, but I completely forgot about it". (hands it to him)

Colton-(opens it) "Jesus christ J".

JJ-"I know I know, I still regret saying that shit to you, I don't know why". (sits on the bed)

Colton-"I could really go for a beer right now, but it's camp".

JJ-"That's my guy, plus I have those athlete ones if you would want any, we can have a good beer once the seasons over".

The gift

Colton-"Is that Kylar thing really bothering you?"

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Colton-"Is that Kylar thing really bothering you?"

JJ-"I would be the same way if it were TJ or Derek, so don't try to stop me if he does it again".

Colton-"I don't want anyone to get into trouble J".

JJ-(hugs him close) "You're still my brother, and I don't want anything to happen to you okay".

Colton-(leans head against JJs) "Okay".

After that JJ leaves his room and they both go to bed for the night, Colton posts before he does

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IG Post

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Caption- Idk what I did to deserve a big brother like you, thanks buster for the belated birthday gift love you forever and always

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Caption- Idk what I did to deserve a big brother like you, thanks buster for the belated birthday gift love you forever and always

JJWatt replied- Love you too baby bro

TJWatt90 replied- Hey where's mine :(

DerekWatt replied- Don't lie you got one as a wedding gift lol

Fan- Aww that's so sweet #brotherlylove

After that Colton finally went to sleep 

a/n Zach for Ertz Zac for Allen players on the team and yes there is another Colton which is why his name is Colt McCoy in this he is as well a player on the cardinals, also is it bad that my boss is like right beside as I type this while I'm in Boston lol, my screen I can only see though so it's good ;)

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