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Rich-"Today is the day where young men start their journey to playing in the NFL, right now we have the quarterbacks and first up you might know the last name, it's CJ Watt out of the University of Wisconsin, where I think you've guessed it by now where his brothers JJ, TJ, and Derek Watt played college football as well, all three of them in the NFL JJ in his second season with the Cardinals and TJ along with Derek playing for the Steelers, first up is the forty yard dash and here we go CJ Watt".

Brad-"Here we go bud".

Colton-"Let's do this".

He goes to line up, he starts his first run which is the practice then he heads back, he lines up again then goes

Rich-"Jesus this kid is fast, 2.2 seconds wow".

Brad-"Way to go kid". (hugs him)

Colton-"That's the best I've had all this week". (pants)

Erin-(walks over) "Mind if we talk?"

Colton-"No not at all".

Erin-"CJ Watt 2.2 seconds that is a record for the quarterbacks at the combine, how are you feeling so far today?"

Colton-"I feel good, a bit winded right now, but good can't wait to get things going more throughout the day".

Erin-"Now it's no surprise that you are here, but you are the only the third Watt to do the combine cause your brother Derek just did a pro day, how does it feel to be here representing the Watt name?"

Colton-"It feels good to continue this legacy ya know, fourth generation, hopefully someday down the road more Watts can play". (smiles)

Erin-"I know that your brothers are watching they have been tweeting since this thing has started and they had some big reactions to the dash".

The tweets

TJWatt90- 2.2 seconds man is a beast!

JJWatt- Better than mine I swear he's an actual machine

DerekWatt-All I can say I am proud and also not surprised with that time

End of tweets

Colton-(laughs) "They always have my back and we support eachother no matter what, to have them watching means a lot".

Erin-"Who know there could be three Watts or two playing together".

Colton-"I guess we'll have to wait and see". (smiles)

After he was done with Erin they continued with drills throughout the day, Brody did what he had to do then him and Colton went together to the press conferance

Todd-"What is it like being here together?"

Brody-"It's awesome, I mean we played in highschool and college together".

Colton-"It means a lot to have him here with me, we also have Tyler Diaz who also played in college with us, what's even cooler is that some of the guys we played with in highschool are here as well".

Rich-"Did you get any advice CJ from your brothers coming into this?"

Colton-"Both of us did actually, they told us to do what we know and to listen, also this month I thinkk has been the busiest that we have ever been, well for me at least I don't know about Mr.Dad over there". (laughs)

Brody-"Hey now, yeah it's been busy especially for me with only a two month old, but my wife is very supportive about all of this".

Todd-"Just saying what if you guys get drafted to the same team?"

Colton-"Well then I guess we would be very lucky, but we will still be best friends no matter what".

Once they are done they head back to the hotel and shower, once they are done they talk to their families, once they are done they go and eat, after they are done eating they head to bed for the next day of the combine

In Wisconsin

Connie-"What are you looking at hun?"

JJ-"Oh this pic of Colt and I at my last Badger game". (smiles)

John-"I remember him trying to find you after".


Colton-"Where is he?!"

Coach-"CJ over here!" (waves to him)

JJ-"Buddy!" (picks him up)

Colton-"You did it!" (hugs him)

Connie-"So proud of you hun".

JJ-"Thanks mom". (hugs both her and Colton)

End of flashback

Derek-"He did awesome today I'm so proud of him".

TJ-"2.2 seconds set a new record".

Hailey-"I was worried about his knee, it's been bothering him again".

JJ-"Same here, he was limping at my house the other week".

They talk some more let the dogs out then head to bed 

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