Sick Day At JJs

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It was the month of the combine and Colton was back at JJs for a bit, he woke up in the morning not feeling too good and he ran to the bathroom, JJ heard him and went to his room

JJ-"You okay bud?"

Colton-"No". (throws up again)

Kealia-"I'll get the thermonitor". (goes and gets it)

She comes back and JJ takes Coltons temp

JJ-"You're burning up bud".

Colton-"Crap, could you call Zach and tell him I won't be able to make it to train".

Kealia-"I just texted Julie don't worry about it, I gotta get going though so I'm not late for the flight".

JJ-"Love you be safe".

Colton-"I would hug you but". (throws up again)

Kealia-"It's okay buddy I'll see you soon".

Once Kealia leaves JJ runs a bath for Colton he helps him into the tub and gets him different clothes to wear, once Colton was done JJ let him change then helped him to his bed

Colton-"I am capable of doing it myself".

JJ-"No you're not, I'll be right back".

JJ leaves then comes back with an ice pack and puts it on the back of Coltons neck, he then covers Colton up

Colton-"Don't you have a meeting?"

JJ-"It's tomorrow now".

Colton-"J come on you could've went I would just be laying here".

JJ-"Don't care". (turns on tv)

Colton-"Turn it down a bit would ya".

JJ-"Take these for your headache".

Colton-(takes pills) "Since when did you become nurse JJ".

JJ-"Since I found out I was going to be a dad".

Colton-"Oh so I'm the practice run great".

JJ-(laughs) "You've been my practice run for the almost the last twenty one years".


JJ-"Feeling any better?" (takes temp)

Colton-"A little, my stomach still hurts".

JJ-"We'll get you better buddy I promise". (kisses his head)

End of flashback

Colton-"I better not be sick next week".

JJ-"We'll get you better buddy I promise". (kisses his head)

Colton-"I swear if I'm feeling like crap the rest of the week, next week is going to suck".

JJ-"We could do some minimum excercises if ya want, that's what I do at least when I'm not feeling well".

Colton-"Like what?"

JJ-"We could throw the ball, I run some routes for you and you just throw don't do any running or that".

Colton-"Let me move around a bit then we can head outside".

JJ lets Colton get around and they head outside, JJ runs some routes and Colton throws once they were done JJ went and took a shower then came back to where Colton was in his room watching tv

JJ-"What's on?"

Colton-"Nothing much other than draft stuff".

JJ-"You know what we could watch". (takes remote from him)

Colton-"I haven't watched this in awhile".

JJ-"I remember all the time when I was home we would watch it".


Colton-"JJ put Mighty Ducks on".

JJ-"Put Mighty Ducks on what?"

Colton-"Please". (smiles)

JJ-(picks him up and sets him on his bed) "You got it little man".

Colton-"Thank you!" (hugs him)

They watch Mighty Ducks and fall asleep together

End of flashback

Colton-"You know if they were ever to make a new one they would need two more bash brothers".

JJ-"What do you mean".

Colton-"Come on you, TJ, Derek, and I when we were growing up, we were literally them at sometimes". (laughs)

JJ-"Yeah you're right about that".

Zach-(walks in) "I brought soup!"

Julie-(laughs) "I told him to knock".

Colton-"Sorry about today man".

Zach-"Dude no worries there's always next time maybe even this upcoming season". (smirks)

They all laugh Colton eats his soup that Zach and Julie brought, JJ had some as well since he didn't feel like cooking or getting anything else, once Zach and Julie left JJ took Coltons temp again


JJ-"It's gone down, which is good wanna take a shower to get that sweat off of you?"

Colton-"Yeah sure".

JJ lest Colton get a shower, once Colton is done he changes then heads into the living room and sits down by JJ

JJ-"You're right you do need a haircut". (pats Coltons head)

Colton-"I'm getting it done after the combine".

JJ-"Feeling any better?"

Colton-"A little bit, I'm gonna go grab a gatorade then go lay back down".

Once Colton grabs a drink and heads back to his room JJ goes and gets ready for bed himself after messaging Kealia, once he is done he goes to Coltons room, when he goes in he sees that Colton fell asleep

JJ-"Night buddy". (kisses his head)


JJ then turns off the light in the room, closes the door then heads to his room, once he gets to his room he goes to bed himself 

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