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JJ- "I know this wasn't the bye you were expecting".

Colton-"Ya think, I mean at least we beat them".

Brody-"I just don't understand why you didn't tell coach you were hurt".

Colton-"Adrenaline dude, I felt it right after the game". (winces)

Kealia-"Keep ice on that". (puts ice on his ankle)

Deandre-"How long are you out?"

Colton-"A week I hope, now I really wish Cruz was here don't get me wrong Dylan is great, but he's still learning a lot of stuff from transitioning to quarterback".

Brody-"Didn't he use to play tight end?"

Colton-"Yeah, and he was a beast".

JJ-"You just rest, did you guys enjoy the game though?"

Colton-"Hell yeah we did".

Brody-"Kylar should run like that more often". (laughs)

Deandre-"I'm gonna head out, nice seeing you guys, and nice meeting you Brody".

Colton-"See ya Hop".

Brody-"Nice meeting you too man". (shakes his hand)

After Deandre left Kealia made dinner, once dinner was over Brody went to the guest bedroom and brought out something

JJ-"What's that?"

Colton-"His promise ring he's giving to Tash".

Kealia-"Aww how sweet".

Brody-"Better than what I was going to do, I was gonna look for actual rings".

JJ-"Wait what?!"

Colton-"That's what I said". (laughs0

Brody-"Did your ring for Hailey come in yet?"

Colton-"It did, it's back in Wisconsin though in my desk drawer".

Kealia-"You guys are the sweetest, no wonder why those girls love you".

Brody-"I mean it's almost two years for Tasha and I".

JJ-"Almost a year for you and Hails right?"

Colton-"Yeah I guess I really love her J".

Brody-"Awww CJ!" (hugs him)

They all laugh after that JJ helps Colton get in the car, him and Brody scheduled a tattoo appointment, once they get there they head in he shop

Zeke-"There they are".

Colton-"What's up man, this is Brody".

Brody-"Nice to meet you". (shakes his hand)

Zeke-"Same to you, I got your designs already to go, so who's first?"

Brody goes first, they facetime Tasha during his and she is laughing her head off cause of his facial expressions

Tasha-"Babe it can't be that bad".

Colton-"It's on his chest, and for it being his first one I have to say he's a trooper".

Brody-"Why did I choose the chest?"

Zeke-"You're almost done anyways dude". (laughs)

Once Brody was done with his it was Coltons turn, he decided to get his done on his chest as well

JJ-"No way really Colt?"

Colton-"Thought I should carry on the traditon".

Zeke starts the tattoo and they facetime Hailey, shes back home for the weekend so she was at Connie and Johns visiting Ozzy

Hailey-"Ozzy look it's daddy".

Colton-"Hey buddy, you're getting big, I'll be home soon".

Hailey-"How's the ankle babe?"

Colton-"The tat is taking the pain away". (laughs)

Brody-"Hailey look at mine". (shows her tat)

Hailey-"That's cool B, what are you getting done babe?"

Colton-"The same tat that J, TJ, and Derek have on their chests".

Once Zeke was done Colton and Brody took pictures then posted

Brodys IG Post

Caption-First tat done in the books! The bye week has been fun

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Caption-First tat done in the books! The bye week has been fun

TDiaz replied- Sick bro!

RegJohnson replied- I love it!

PVTShaneColson replied- Love it little brother, we'll have to get one together sometime

Coltons IG post (pretend it's Colton and not JJ)

Coltons IG post (pretend it's Colton and not JJ)

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Caption- Second tat done continuing the traditon

TJWatt90 replied- Love it buddy!

DerekWatt replied- You need to get to Pittsburgh so we can get ours

JJWatt replied- Love you baby bro

Once they were done at the shop they went back to JJs, once they got there the boys got ready for bed, JJ came in Coltons room

JJ-"Night bud".

Colton-"Night buster".

After that Colton posted on twitter

CJWatt 19- What a great week in Arizona with JJWatt and BrodyC93, can't wait to comeback

BrodyC93 replied- Thanks for letting me tag along bro!

JJWatt replied -It was a great week for sure

KealiaWatt replied- Gonna miss you guys when you leave!

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