Chapter Nine - Great Balls of Fire

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Days after the release, I was relaxing, reading the paper when I got a call. I answered it quickly, getting bored from reading.
"Hello?" I answered the ringing.
"Y/N, it's George. Come over now if you can. We need to talk." He then hung up the phone. I assumed this was an emergency so I wasted no time getting my shoes on and heading out the door to drive over.

I got there within 7 minutes, and rang the doorbell. George answered immediately and let me in within the second.
"What was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked.
"Personal matters." He spoke, shortly.
"Are you okay, Georgie?" I asked worriedly.
"How can I be okay when my life has just revolved around you and the false future we have?" He practically yelled.
"What do you mean?" I asked, remaining calm.
"I still love you!"
"So do I, George." I replied, confused.
"No, like I love you. The way John loves you, but more. It's always been you, Y/N. I've been single all my life because I knew the whole time you were the one for me even though you're with my best friend. I know things are rocky between you two so I wanted to let you know that I am here for you as a friend and a potential partner, because I love you and would never hurt you in any way."
"Geo -"
"Every time I see you and John together, it breaks my heart. It broke even more when you two had your wedding, and when I wrote that stupid song you two danced to, and when I bloody participated in his purposeal with the pancake recipe because I know that's your favourite breakfast food and performing the song that night in the woods brought me to tears. I love you and only you, Y/N Y/L/N."
"I have to go." Was all I could say, after processing what he had just said. I truly thought his feelings for me were gone, but I thought wrong and it broke my heart.
"You aren't leaving until we talk about this more!" George practically yelled, blocking the one way entrance and exit to his house.
"But we did, so let me leave, please." I couldn't deal with this, not a second time.
"Not really. Please, Y/N. Give me an answer." He begged.
"Fine, I'm sorry George but like last time, you're only my best friend and I'm married to John."
"Right, but last time you said you had had feelings for me, and let's be honest, your relationship with John is crippling as fast as ice melting in the heat and I was wondering if you had lingering feelings for me."
"George!" I yelled, being taken aback by his words. "How could you say that to me?"
"I'm a truthful man, unlike John." George replied, nonchalantly with not even a tint of regret in his voice.
"Yeah, you really are." I said, coldly and finally got out of his house.
"Y/N!" George called out from the door, but I ignored him and went to my car. "When we kissed, I knew you liked it because of the way you responded!" Could he be any louder? Let the whole world hear! I couldn't help but think. I was also thinking deeply of what he said. I hated to admit it, but he wasn't wrong. I liked the kiss a lot. It felt authentic. I hadn't had a kiss like that in a really long time and it felt nice. It warmed my heart in the moment and filled a space, but I immediately regretted it. It felt like I was getting revenge on John for cheating which was never my intention.

I stuck to my original plan and didn't say another word to George, leaving him standing on the porch watching me drive away back home.

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