Chapter Twenty Four - Order in The Court

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     John and I woke bright and early a few mornings later because we had to get ready for George and Linda's court trial.

     "Do you know what you're going to say?" John asked me as he was making himself some tea and me some coffee.

     "Yeah, I'm going to be honest." I told him.

     "Well of course you have to be honest, love. It's a court. They'll find out if you lie."

     "I know. I'll just explain how when me and George were dancing, it was nothing but platonic and the media over reacted."

     "Yeah. You're going to do great." John told me, as he handed me the coffee and kissed the top of my head.

     An hour later, we arrived at the courthouse at the same time as Paul and Linda.

     "Carpooling together, I see. Love is in the air!" John winked at them. They blushed instantly and looked at their feet. I noticed they were holding hands and let go as John said that. John didn't seem to notice. He said this to them to relieve stress with his wit and humor. He was really good at that at the right times, so I think Paul and Linda appreciated it somewhat. We were walking in the courthouse together and I moved over to be beside Linda.

     "Take his hand again. Don't let John get in the way." I whispered to her and smiled. She smiled back and did as I said, which made Paul blush. I went back to John's side as we walked in together.

     We took our seats where the order between our whole group (left to right) was John, me, Paul, Linda, George, Pattie, Maureen, and Ringo.

     "How are you feeling?" George asked Linda.

     "Fine, you?" She responded.

     "Linda, you're going to do great. Just tell the truth. You've got nothing to hide anyway, right?"

     "Yeah, right. You're going to do great too." Linda smiled at him.

     "Thank you."

     "All rise!" The judge yelled and banged his hammer three times on the table. Everyone stood up. We stood for 5 seconds before the judge said to sit down. "This case is for the lawsuit against Jill Fleance by George Harrison, while also on behalf of Y/N Lennon." George then walked over to the front and sat with our lawyer, Bobby Floyd. "Are you ready for your trial, Mr. Floyd and Harrison?" The judge asked.

     "Yes, your honour." Bobby replied. "Your honour, Mrs. Fleance has published a photo without the permission of the three main people who have a connection with this photo," He then held up the article and pointed at the photo of me and George dancing. "George Harrison, Y/N Lennon, and Linda Eastman." Bobby pointed at each of us in the photo, but for Linda he pointed at her name underneath the photo since she took it. "Especially Linda, for that matter. The article is also filled with propaganda which is threatening to the following people - for their career, and life to come." He took a pause, looking at the reactions of everyone. "I would like to call up my first witness, Y/N Lennon." He pointed at me to come and take the seat next to the judge's right side. I put my hand on the bible and swore not to lie. "Mrs. Lennon, how did you feel when dancing with George?" Bobby asked me.

     "I felt like we were having fun as friends, celebrating the release of the new Beatles album."

     "Yes, and did you feel any romantic connection, as said you did in the article by Jill Fleance?"

     "No, I did not. I am happily married to my husband, John Lennon."

     "Do you ever recall Jill Fleance contacting you for having permission to publish this personal picture taken of you and Mr. Harrison?"

     "No, I have never spoken to the writer."

     I was asked a few more questions along the same lines before moving onto Paul.

     "According to my file, you had asked Ms. Eastman to take this photo of Mr. Harrison and Mrs. Lennon. Why is that?" Bobby asked Paul.

     "I wanted a personal memory keep-sake of this night, and had not brought my own camera of some sort so I asked my good friend to take a picture of them and send me the picture."

     This went on for another 10 minutes of Bobby asking questions and whatnot, and recapping that night at the premier. Later on after a recess, the judge and jury decided to side with us, and Jill ended up having to pay a hefty amount of money. Thankfully for her, she made herself rich from her writing and just wrote George a check, so she didn't need a deadline. She also was told to complete 600 hours of community service in the span of 4 months. George was nice enough to split the check of $180, 520, 000 with me. This meant we each got $90, 2600, 00. This was incredible! Along with The Beatles' earning from Rubber Soul, this was more than enough money to last us a lifetime! I couldn't be happier right now. With the right people and the cards being played right, nothing can go wrong. Or so I thought ...

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