Chapter Twenty One - Written Lies

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     The next morning, I was reading the morning paper as I drank my coffee that Pattie had made for me. I liked to start at the joke section rather than front to back so that way I can get myself into a good mood to start off my day, rather than grumpy and groggy from just waking up. After reading the short section, I flipped to the front and saw something that made my jaw drop. It was a picture of me and Y/N, holding each other after our dance. How could they publish this?! I thought to myself. The headline read, Beatle For Sale? Is John Lennon Now Single? Bloody hell, people! John's not a thing you can buy at the grocery store, for Christ's sake! I continued to read the article,

     Y/N Lennon, wife of Beatle John Lennon, was caught at the premier for The Beatles'new album, Rubber Soul, dancing with ex-lover and Beatle, George Harrison. Guests at the party say George didn't deny rumours of still having feelings for Y/N, even though his date was Vogue model, Pattie Boyd.

     I had the pleasure of talking to Mr. Harrison and Ms. Boyd at the party and asked about his relationship status with Y/N.

     "Back in the day, it was so obvious you loved Y/N Lennon. Are there still lingering feelings?"

     George did not leave a comment, but rather sighed and walked away as Pattie followed him, desperate to know what just happened. Perhaps she was jealous?

     During the dance, everyone circled around the floor to watch Goerge and Y/N's performance, and my was it -

     "What's that you're reading?" I suddenly heard a voice break my intense concentration. I looked up, and noticed it was Pattie. Bloody hell, she must've seen the headline. I thought to myself.

     "I have no clue why the people are saying this." I told her, truthfully.

     "Damn, George. It's so obvious you still have feelings for her! She's a married woman, and not only that, but she's married to one of your best mates. So which is it? Me, or her?" Pattie replied, in anger.

     "You, I pick you! Always, love." I told her, as convincing as I possibly could be. I really did like her.

     "Yeah? Well why don't you start seeming like it. I don't want to feel like a little side-piece anymore, George. So come back to me once articles like these stop going around and you actually love me." She began to make her way towards the door as I chased after her.

     "Pattie, let me explain!" I begged her. She wouldn't look at me as she put her long coat on and heels. "Please, love." I continued to beg, and beg.

     Next thing I knew, she was out the door and getting in her car. I didn't bother to put shoes on, or change at least put on a coat to cover my pyjamas (white t-shirt and boxer shorts) before I rushed out the door after her car which was pulling out of the driveway. She turned around and started driving. I chased after her down the road, and stopped after 5 seconds so I could catch up. I got to her window and motioned her to roll it down, and she obeyed. Her eyes were watering. I hated seeing her like this. She looked miserable.

     "I love you." I managed to say, out of breath. I breathed in deeply and continued talking, "Y/N's someone of the past. Darling, you know that. You're my girlfriend whom I want to marry someday. That might be too soon to say, but it's true. I love you, and only you. No one else. That article was complete bullshit. I don't know where people are getting the idea that we like each other. Please believe me." I begged. She stared into my eyes, processing everything I had said.

     "It's not just today, though. This was from before too. I really do believe you, but it's not impossible to like another woman at the same time. Look, I just need some time to think about it all, okay?" Pattie replied, softly. I nodded, understanding that this is all probably a lot to take in during one day. She rolled up her window and drove off again as I walked slowly back to my house.

     I got back in and continued to read the article,

     and my was it hot! Hot in the sense that they were so in the moment of the romance and excitement. The crowd felt it too. It was like a moment you would watch in the movies.

     The public is expecting a quote to come soon from John Lennon and Pattie Boyd explaining their opinion on the Harrison-Lennon romance. Well, Y/N Lennon would become Y/N Harrison. Will this force Pattie to become a Lennon? Will Y/N become a Harrison? Do Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr see the sparks?

     This was ridiculous. I looked at the picture again and saw something in fine print underneath. Photo by Linda Eastman. Paul's girlfriend? How could she! She knows the truth, so why release that photo?

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