Chapter Sixteen - Gossip Girls

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     A couple nights later, me and the other Beatle girls have finally decided to make that planned night out of ours a reality. We went out to a club nearby to have dinner and dance.

     "You know what I've always wondered?" Jane asked Maureen and I.

     "What?" We replied in unison.

     "What if the roles were reversed - between our men and us. Like, what if we were The Beatles and they were our sidekicks?"

     "My voice is shite, so that wouldn't work well." I replied.

     "My passion is being a hairdresser, and I can't play an instrument for the life of me so don't even think of making a trio out of us, Jane." Maureen said, laughing. "Besides, there's four of them and three of us. It doesn't add up perfectly." She added.

     "That's true," Jane commented. "it's because Georgie is still hung up on our girl over here!" She then looked up at me, making eye contact.

     "What?" I asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

     "Oh come on, Y/N! Don't be daft! Everyone sees it."

     "See what, though? George doesn't like me like that. And did you forget the fact that I'm married?"

     "That doesn't mean anything."

     "And you're judging this by what?" I asked.

     "By the way he looks at you." Jane stated.

     "Which is how?"

     "Like you're going to give him a lap dance!" Maureen chimed in.

     "Maureen, he does not look at me like that!"

     "You're pleased!" Jane smirked.

     "What?" I blushed, feeling embarrassed and confused.

     "You smiled! You're pleased that George looks at you like a Porterhouse steak." Maureen chuckled.

     "I'm smiling, because you're crazy and that's what you do to crazy people to keep them calm!" I stated, and then took a shot. I really didn't want to remember this conversation. I know the truth, and that's all that matters. Jane and Maureen just want some spice to their life, and I can't blame them. I do too, but not like this. Yes, I agree that it sounds fun, and it is. It would've just been more amusing if they said George was giving that kind of look to another woman. At that thought, I had a brilliant idea. "Y'know, during the filming of their Hard Days Night movie, he had a little spark with that model." I reminded my friends.

     "What model? You?" Jane asked.

     I sighed and shook my head.

     "No, the pretty blonde who's always on the cover of Vogue."

     "Pattie Boyd? She was there?" Maureen asked.

     "Yes, she was an extra. She was one of the girls who in that one scene was head over heels for John when he made a weird impression, and then proceeded to get carried out by Paul."

     "I vaguely remember, but I know who she is." Jane said.

     "I remember. But I think you were only seeing what you wish you saw, because she had eyes for him but Goerge didn't reciprocate." Maureen said. "George still had his eyes on you."

     "Whatever. I'm sure George has lost feelings." As I said that, my mind started to race. What if George did indeed still have feelings for me? No way, it's been so long. But then again, you never know ... these things bugged me for the rest of the night that I could barely enjoy myself. There's


     Hours later, when I got home, John was still awake. He was in the family room watching some movie on air.

     "It's late, John. You should be sleeping." I told him.

     "It's late, Y/N. You should be sleeping." He said, giving me the look you give someone when they're being hypocritical. I kind of was, come to think of it. But I had an excuse.

     "I was out all night with the girls while you stayed home and relaxed. You could've been having a good sleep."

     "So could you, but you went out and had fun."

     "It wasn't really fun overall, actually." I confessed.

     "Why not?" John asked, confused.

     "The girls brought up something that kept me thinking, and it was all I could really focus on." I proceeded to explain, as I sat next to him. He stayed silent, and kept his eyes on me with anticipation as he waited for me to say what was on my mind. It wasn't easy to talk about this with John. Over the years, he's become understandably sensitive with this topic since it's created some bitter tension between him and George that I'm afraid still lingers even though it's "resolved". John takes a long time to fully forgive even though words and actions say he has. He's just a jealous guy. "They said that George still has feelings for me ... and I can't help but wonder if he does." John didn't know how to reply. I knew he wouldn't be able to, so there was a moment of silence again. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. Good night." I said, standing up and heading up to our bedroom.

     "Wait." John said, abruptly. I turned around and faced him. "I'm glad you told me. If you feel like he does, talk to him. Although, things are starting to truly get good again between me and him so if you do talk to him, don't let it affect me please. I just want him to move on, y'know? More arguments won't help." He said. His intentions were wise but confusing at the same time, so all I did was nod and walk away, not knowing what to say.

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