Chapter Twenty Two - Captured Secrets

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     I did some research on Linda, and was able to find her business number. I called it anyway, even though I wasn't planning on booking a photoshoot. I needed answers so I could get Pattie back. The phone rang in my ear a few times before a woman with a sweet voice answered,

     "Town and Company, this is Linda speaking."

     "Hi Linda, it's George. So you're the one who took that photo of me and Y/N from the party last night, correct?"

     "Yes, how did you know?"

     "What do you mean, how did I know? It's fucking published!" I said, now getting angry and Linda's stupidity. I thought this would go out civil, but I guess she doesn't have the same people-pleasing charm as Paul. Hers is more like people-disappointing. It was moments like these where I'd pray to God that my anger wouldn't get worse.

     "Wait, what? How did it get published? I never gave permission for them to publish that photo! It was just supposed to be delivered to Paul!" She sounded panicked. Maybe she was genuine. "George, I'm so sorry! I don't know how this happened, but I assure you I will get to the bottom of this." At this, I became more calm.

     "Thanks, Linda. But what do you mean by it was to just be delivered to Paul?" I asked her, trying to make my voice sound soothing so that way she would calm down too.

     "At the party, we were watching you dance and so I decided to take some pictures for my personal collection, and Paul asked if I could send him that picture to have as a little memory/keepsake."

     "Oh, okay. Well, thank you. Please let me know when you find out how this happened. I'm going to sue ..." I trailed off, looking for the paper again so I could get the writer's name. "Jill Fleance."

     "That's a good idea. Good luck!" Linda said, encouragingly. "I'm sorry again. Let me know if you need me to testify or if I could contribute in any other way."

     "Thank you. I really appreciate that. Have a good rest of your day."

     "Thanks, you too."

     We then hung up the phone at the same time. I took a deep breath in and started writing down who the people were going to be to testify, and then got my lawyer. The lawyer I hired has been working with my family for the longest time, so I really trusted him.

     Later that day, as I was watching a movie that came on, the phone rang. I walked slowly toward it and answered it.

     "Hello?" I said.

     "George, I tried talking to Jill today and she won't budge. She was like, "Linda, do you seriously think a professional like me would make a silly mistake like that? You shouldn't be working here if you think I would do something so idiodic. I wouldn't be surprised if you did.". She's such a bitch." Linda told me. She changed her voice, mocking Jill when she said that to her.

     "Do you mind repeating that to me? I'm going to write it down because maybe we can use it against her somehow." I asked Linda. She repeated the quote slowly, and sounded more serious. "Thank you. I'm going to contact my lawyer again and see if we can kick off this case."

     "Okay, see you."

     I told my lawyer everything Linda had told me just now, and then I decided I should inform Y/N, my bandmates, and Brian. I first called Y/N since she was in the picture too. The phone rang, but not for long since she picked it up quite quickly.

     "Hello?" She answered, sounding tired.

     "Y/N, it's George."

     Y/N's Pov:

     "GEORGE! HOW COULD YOU LET THAT BE PUBLISHED?! MY GOD, DO YOU KNOW -" I tried to let out all the thoughts and questions running through my head when I heard George's voice. To be honest, I hadn't called or went to talk to him in person because I was too upset. I also didn't leave the house at all today in case anyone tried to bug me with questions. John had spent his day trying to calm me down and realize that these were all just entertainment rumours to please the fans. Him and I just watched movies to try and get my mind off of it, but when I realized who called, it all just came back to my head.

     "Oh my goodness, shut up!" George yelled at me, interrupting. Whoa, did he just yell at me? He didn't yell often, so I didn't remember how to react. I didn't know whether yelling back was the right option, or letting him take control. I felt myself contemplating a little too long, and he decided to talk again. I looked over at John as George started talking again. "Listen, I know you're upset. I am too. I didn't let that be published, I swear. I contacted Linda to help me get information because I'm going to sue the writer, Jill Fleance."

     "No, don't sue Jill. Sue Linda. I don't care what Paul has to say about that, but it's her picture that got in the paper!"

     "Y/N, you don't understand, I -"

     "George, someone's on the other line. Hold on." I switched over to line two and was about to speak when John got my attention.

     "Y/N, what's going on?"

     "I'll tell you after" I told him. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

     "Y/N, are you okay?" It was Ringo.

     "I don't know, to be honest. How are you?" I asked him.

     "I'm good, but this about you and George. I only found out now because I slept in, sorry." Ringo apologized for not calling earlier. Ringo liked to sleep in, especially if he had stayed up past 2 in the morning.

     "It's okay, Rings." I replied, assuring him it's no worries.

     "Thanks. So did you talk to George? I called him first a few minutes ago but he didn't answer."

     "I was just on the phone with him. Apparently he isn't the one who let the article be published, so now I don't know what to believe because George also said he's not suing Linda."

     "Strange ... Do you want me to come over?"

     "If you want." I told him.

     "Okay, I'm on my way. I'll bring Paul too." He then hung up the phone, and I was put back on line 1.

     "Y/N?" George's voice rang in my ear.

     "One sec." I said to him through the phone. I then looked at John again. "John," I caught his attention and he looked at me. "Ringo is coming over with Paul." I told him and John nodded. "George?" I said into the phone.

     "Y/N, as I was saying, Linda didn't know anything until I called her so she's helping us now figure this whole thing out."

     "George, why don't you come over. Ringo and Paul are on their way." I told him. "It'll be easier to get everyone who needs to know what's going on in the loop."

     "Okay, I'll pick up Brian and Linda." We then hung up the phone and I sighed.

     "What is it, love?" John questioned. I walked over back to the couch to sit in his arms and told him everything.

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