Chapter Ten - Kiss and Tell

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     I suddenly felt nervous as I approached the front door of my house. My palms became sweaty, my breathing quickened and that tingling feeling filled my stomach.
     "Everything will be alright, I'm sure of it." I mumbled to myself for confidence.
     "Of course it will, darling!" A voice suddenly spoke, making me jump in fright. I looked to my left to see John, sitting on one of the two chairs on the porch.
     "John, you scared the living soul in me!" I cried, putting my hand to my chest and breathing heavily.
     "Sorry, I would've announced myself but you just looked so anxious and I wanted to observe why." John explained.
     "It's okay," I sighed, turning back to the door.
      "Sit here with me, Y/N." He pointed to the chair next to him. "You need fresh air." He added. I sat slowly next to him, repreparing how to explain to him what happened between me and George. "So why were you saying that to yourself before I scared the living soul out of you, oh my!" John said, mocking me in a high pitched voice and dramatically pretending to faint. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. I stayed silent, not knowing how to tell him. "Well?" He asked, now turning serious.
     "Promise me you'll still love me when I tell you this." I told him.
     "Of course, love. We're getting married in three days! Can you believe it?" He exclaimed, tickling my side playfully. I giggled at his actions but made him met go, wanting to get it over with and tell him.
     "John, a while ago, George and I kissed, and then tonight he confessed his love for me." I told him, quickly. Thankfully he wouldn't ask me to repeat because I could tell by the fury in his eyes he heard me crystal clear.
     "The sh*tty part is I have no right to be mad." He said, and then stormed off into the house.
     "John, please let me explain!" I begged him, following suit into the house.
     "Leave me alone for the night, please." He told me, trying to remain calm. I sighed, not knowing how to reply.

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