Chapter Twenty Six - Indica Gallery

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     The night of the gallery event, I finally decided on wearing a curvy black dress. I felt like Princess Diana in her revenge dress, only this was 1966 and not 1994 so I couldn't talk about what happened that day and fangirl over her.

     "You look stunning, Y/N!" John complimented me, as he watched me walk down the stairs from the front door entrance.

     "As do you!" I smiled.

     "Oh do I?" He then struck a modelling pose and curtseyed as if he were wearing a big poofy dress.

     "You're absolutely gorgeous!" I say, sort of sarcastically and laughing.

     "No, you are." John replied, more seriously and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "Let's go now. We're going to be late!"

     We walked in and saw George talking with one of the artists. The painting looked as though it was done by Bob Ross. It was so beautiful! There was a sea, then the sky and lots of clouds and a mountain that was from in the distance.

     "Hey, Georgie!" John kept his hands on George's shoulders as he greeted him and we were listening to the very in depth conversation he was having with the artist. They were talking about how nature is the most beautiful thing in the world, and how it is God's finest creation. After a few minutes, the artist ended the conversation to talk to some other people interested in buying the painting.

     "Y'know, I do believe in God but in a different sense than I used to." George started as he turned to face us, since we were standing behind him. "I like the idea of the Hare Krishna ..." He then went on a little rant expressing his beliefs in the Hare Krishna. I felt really happy that he could open up to us about this, but I knew that he wouldn't have trouble.

     "We're really happy for you, George! Also, where'd you get that bracelet?" I ask, holding up his wrist. There was a brown beaded bracelet with one red bead in the centre of the bracelet.

     "Oh, I got this yesterday! It's a bracelet to remind myself that the Hare Krishna is always with me. This whole thing is a recent discovery of mine so this bracelet really helps."

     "That's really nice, and it looks good on you!"

     "Thank you."

     We then met up with Paul, Linda, Ringo, and Maureen and looked around at all the art displays. We then approached a short, Japanese woman who was standing beside a rather abstract painting. She had no one visit her in the last five minutes or so, according to John, so we went to see what she was all about.

     "Hello." She said, very quietly. She looked a bit surprised as well, maybe because of The Beatles? Maybe she was starstruck.

     "Hello! Beautiful painting you got there!" John said, smiling at her.

     "Oh, thank you!" She responded, shyly tucking hair behind her ear. "It expresses my feelings about life. See, the yellow is the happiness I've been feeling, then that dash of red is when I feel angry sometimes ... and then ..." She went on to explain the different splashes of colours and what they meant. Blue was sadness, green was disgust, black was fear, and purple was romance/lust - there was a lot of that there. She better not have eyes for John in this world or I might do things that I never thought I'd be capable of, and they're pretty violent.

     "That's beautiful!" John and George said at the same time.

     "I'm John," He shook her hand, and I saw some sort of spark in the woman's eyes when they touched hands.

     "Yoko, Yoko Ono."

     It was at this moment ... I knew I'd fucked up ...

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