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"Ew, what was that?" Robin looked at me annoyed.

"Just something that happened earlier, I'm on your side all the way Arellano don't you worry," I shook my head.

Finney had stormed off, evidently angry with me, but I couldn't be arsed to deal with his pettiness.

"That was pretty badass Vanessa," he looked at me, a slight pride across his face.

"That was your fault as well," I huffed.

"What?" he looked at me confused.

"Well, you knew the fight was because of you, because that fucking Juliet bitch has a crush on you or something, and because I was speaking to you in the first period, I got told to stay away from you," I explained.

"She has a crush on me," he made sure his hair was perfect.

"Uh, yeah," I looked at him confused.

"How do I look, do I look hot?" he asked while playing with his bandana.

"Yeah, whatever," I knew what he was doing.

"See you in detention, I have some business to attend to," he winked at me before running in the direction Juliet and Lousia went in.

"Ew," I scoffed while walking towards the cafeteria.

I looked around, searching for Finney or Gwen, but neither of them was to be seen.

"Lost?" I felt a presence behind me.

"Excuse me?" I turned and saw Vance Hopper standing there, towering over me. His friends watching from a distance.

"Are you lost?" he asked, again, more aggressively this time.

I looked up at him, making eye contact.

"No," I said, my breath hitching. My nostrils were taken over by the scent of cigarettes, specifically being hidden by aftershave.

"Well, why do you look like a lost little bitch then?" he said.

"That was uncalled for," my tongue ran across my cheek "Just can't find my brother, that's all," I admitted.

His eyes scanned the room.

"He's not in here, nor is your sister," he looked down at me.

"Great," I said under my breath.

"Come with us," he suggested, flicking his head back to look at his friends, who had now turned into one friend.

"I'm okay thanks, think I'll just go sit on my own," I pointed to an empty seat, with no one around it.

"Ok," he replied.

I went and sat alone at the table, looking round at the doors every now and then in the hopes that Finney or Gwen would walk through. But I had no luck, I did see Robin come into the lunch hall with Juliet glued to his side. He winked at me and sat with her at another table.

I sighed, and just as I was about to get up, someone sat next to me.

"Bruce Yamada," he smiled.

"Hi," I smiled awkwardly, "You're Hopper's friend, right?" I asked.

"Correct," I heard Vance say from the other side of me.

"Why the fuck are you following me around?" I looked Vance in the eyes.

"You seem, okay," he shrugged.

"Right, and I'm the year below you, do you really want to be friends with a sophomore?" I laughed at him.

my girl - Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now