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"Yes," I continued nodding until he smiled back and he grabbed my face, pulling me in to kiss him.

It had been in the papers that Vance was found and the two other boys' bodies were as well, so there was no doubt in the world that everyone at school would know Vance would be returning to school today.

As I waited outside of his house for him, I tapped my foot lightly on the sidewalk. I knew Robin was going to meet Finney and Gwen this morning, but I did feel bad for leaving him, we always walked together.

I was brought out of thought when Vance opened the door and said goodbye to his mother.

"Good morning," Vance smiled at me, placing his arm over my shoulder.

"Morning," I looked up at him "Are you okay?" I added.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he smiled awkwardly.

Vance wasn't okay, or he had just returned to his usual self. I'm sure that he believed he has to put on a front, to fit into the criteria that everyone places him under.

"Okay," I shrugged his arm off of my should and walked beside him silently.

"Why have you done that?" he looked at me annoyed.

"No reason," I raised my eyebrows.

"Give me your hand then," he demanded while pulling my hand towards him to intertwine his hand with.

I had a feeling who he used to be would return, but not as fast as it had. I didn't mind because this was the boy I grew to like, but it was nice to see him happy.

Yesterday, I had stupidly told Vance how Bruce had been treating me, blaming me for his disappearance, so I was readying myself to see what Vance was going to do as we walked through the doors to the school, hand in hand.

I smiled proudly, standing next to the boy I had wanted for months, his eyes only scanned the room. Chatter exploded amongst the people in the hallway, some were shocked to see Vance, and others were still as scared as they were before, maybe even more terrified.

"Where is he?" he looked down at me, referring to Bruce.

"Vance, it's okay, let's just leave it," I smiled.

"Oh my gosh, hey Vance," Louisa walked over with a smirk on her face.

I rolled my eyes and sighed loudly.

"Hi," he replied bluntly.

"How are you?" she asked, looking up at him with a caring expression while moving closer to his right arm.

I watched her carefully, her every move. She didn't give a shit he went missing, so now why the bummy act?

"Good," he pulled me closer, letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm tightly around me.

She rolled her eyes at the action and continued to move closer. I told myself I wouldn't bite, unless she touched him, which of course she did. She grabbed hold of his upper arm, attempting to pull herself closer to his face.

He pushed her off immediately.

"Are you blind?" he snapped.

"What?" she acted confused.

I wriggled out of Vance's grip and stared at her "You know fucking what, now walk away, or I'll beat your ass, for the third time," I smiled widely at her.

She rolled her eyes before walking away.

"I can't believe you defended her," I laughed.

"Yeah, about that," he shrugged, then laughed with me as we walked towards my locker, hand in hand once again.

my girl - Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now