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"Can you all actually fuck off now," I rolled my eyes, storming away from them and going over to Bruce.

"Hey Nessa," he said.

"Hi Bruce," I sighed, rolling my eyes at Robin who was the only one looking at me now.

"Trouble in paradise?" he laughed slightly.

"Paradise? Robin is no paradise," I shook my head.

"Thought you two were together?" he said confused.

"Ugh, not in a million years," we stopped by his locker.

"Oh, weird," he shrugged.

"You're still coming tonight right?" he asked.

"Of course, Finney's playing," I said, smiling.

"How rude," he scoffed.

"Only joking, I know you're playing too, how could I miss Brucey playing baseball" I patted his back when I saw Vance approaching us.

I gulped, knowing my group was still over there.

"Yo, Bruce," Vance threw something at Bruce's head.

"Ah, twat," he rubbed his head "You could have hit Nessa, she's already been in the wars," he said, referring to my forehead.

I had told Bruce and anyone else who asked that I passed out at home and hit my head on the corner of the kitchen cabinet.

"Wouldn't want to hurt her any more than she already is would we," Vance placed his hands on top of my head and leaned on them. It was clear he was acting the way was just because he was in front of his friends.

"Just because you're quite a bit taller than me doesn't mean you can use me as a leaning post," I rolled my eyes at Bruce.

"But I am, do something about it," he argues with me.

I sighed and then jumped, causing his bottom teeth to collide with his upper teeth.

"Ow, you bitch," he scoffed.

"Sos, gotta go," I jumped to pat him on the head and then headed to my first class.

At lunch, Robin, Finney and I sat together. Gwen was sitting with her friends.

"Saw Hopper flirting with you earlier," Robin said, looking annoyed.

"Just because I'm friends with Vance doesn't mean I'm rooting for him to be the toughest, you know you're the toughest in my eyes," I looked at him and smiled.

"Good, because you can't replace me, Vanessa. You have to promise to me I'll always be your number one tough boy," he pouted.

"I promise Arellano," I shook my head.

"Even if you have got a crush on him," Finney said.

"Don't start this again," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah even if he wants to snog your face off, I have to be number one," Robin demanded.

"Oh my gosh you can't be serious," I scoffed.

"Even if you looovee him, Ness," Finney added.

"Shut up, or I'll bring Donna over here and let her know about your little obsession," I smiled cockily.

"Do it please," Robin laughed.

"Ok, fine I'll stop," Finn said, defeated.

"Doesn't mean I have to stop, or Gwen," Robin announced.

"Carry on and I'll batter you," I threatened.

"Nah, you wouldn't dare," Robin shook his head, knowing he was right.

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