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"Come on then, let's go," I threw Robin's coat at him as I opened the door and began running towards Donna's house.

Robin caught up to me, also running, while Gwen biked ahead slightly so she could lead the way.

"Do you think he's okay? Gwen said there was blood on the two other boys," I looked at Robin as I continued running.

"He's Vance Hopper, I'm sure he will be okay," he said, as we rounded the corner onto my dad's street.

We were heading in the direction I saw the van go on Monday.

"I told you that the van went this way," I looked at him hopefully.

"Wait, Gwen," I shouted.

She stopped.

"What?" she looked at me confused and so did Robin as I slowed down.

"Should we call the cops?" I asked "We can't just go in there," I looked at her.

"That's a good idea, one of the detectives gave me his number, I'll run in and call him," she threw her bike down in front of the house and ran in.

Luckily dad was out, otherwise, he probably would have shouted at her for dumping her bike, and me for being anywhere near the house.

After about five minutes, Gwen returned and hopped back on her bike.

"They're coming now," she said, riding off and turning left at the bottom of the road.

I looked down the street, still running behind her. She turned down a small alleyway and then onto another street.

"It's gone," she said, slowing down.

"What is?" Robin asked.

"The van," she turned to us and stopped.

Just then, we heard many sirens and turned to see them coming down this road. Six cop cars surrounded the house as the three of us looked at each other. We were soaked, but luckily the rain had stopped.

Gwen went up and spoke to the detective while Robin and I sat, leaning against the fence of the house the police were searching.

I played with the skin around my fingernails before Robin grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry," he said turning to face me "He's here, he'll be okay," he reassured me.

"What if he's not?" I looked at him with worry.

"What did I say, he's Vance fucking Hopper," he raised his eyebrows, to which I laughed.

I watched as Gwen stood tapping her foot just outside the house while she waited for them to come out.

Fifteen minutes had passed when the detective came out of the house, with nothing. My heart sank.

He lowered his voice and began talking to Gwen. Once they had stopped talking, she made her way over to us with a sad expression on her face.

"What?" I looked at her worried.

"Vance isn't there," she admitted.

I looked at her.

"You're joking," I laughed, sniffling slightly as tears formed.

"Really Ness, he's not in there, they could only find the bodies of Griffin and Billy," she looked up at me.

Tears ran down my cheeks as Robin grabbed me and pulled me into his chest.

"Bodies?" I said.

"It's okay," Robin stroked my hair.

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