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TW: References to abuse, physical abuse

"I got detention, I got in a fight, and now I'm gonna be extra late home," my breathing started quicken, and vision went blurry, before everything went black.

I woke up in a room I didnt recognise, posters of pinball machines as well as The Jackson 5. I started to remember everything that had happened, so I checked my watch. 9:47pm it read. I was well and truly fucked.

I got up and paced around the room when Vance Hopper walked in.

"Fuck, finally you're awake, me and Ma thought we were going to have to take you to the ER," he pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"I need to go," I said checking my watch again, 9:48pm.

I tried pushing past Vance.

"Woah, calm down," he put his hands on my shoulders and kept me where I was.

"Hopper, let me go, I need to go home, right now, before he blames Finney or Gwen," I tried pushing him off.

"Let Ma drive you home," he said.

I palced a hand on my forehead, "Do you think she would lie, say she found me in the middle of the street unconsious or something," I asked him.

"Why do you need her to lie?" he asked confused.

"Just please, or you tell him you found me and didnt know where we lived, please," I was becoming vulnerable. I could handle beatings from my dad but if he knew the truth he'd send me away again, but not to Pop and Mommar this time.

"Blake, chill out, I'll do that if you really need me too," he looked at me concernced.

"Please," I looked up at him.

"Come one," he said, so I followed him.

"She's awake Ma, but she needs to get going, can you drive her?" Vance asked.

"Of course, are you okay sweetie?" she asked, placing a hand on my forehead to feel if #i was burning up.

"I'm fine thank you, Mrs Hopper," I smiled at her kindly.

"Come on then kids, lets get going," she grabbed her car keys and we all got into the car. I sat alone in the back of the car while Vance sat next to his mother in the passanger seat.

I gave her directions back to my house, "Walk her to the door honey," she said to Vance.

"Alright Ma," he smiled at her and came and stood next to me as we stood outsdie my house.

My hands began to shake slightly, I could hear my father shouting and Gwen screaming from outside.

"Maybe you should just stay here, I'll be fine," I looked nervously towards the door of our house.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be ok," I smiled a little before beginning to walk away.

"Vance, I told you to walk her to the door!" his mother shouted at him.

Immediatley he ran towards me.

"Sorry, I have to," he said, following behind me, then knocking on the door when we got there.

It went silent within my house.

My father opened the door "Get the fuck in here you piece of shit," he grabbed my by hair and pulled me into the house.

Vance's expression changed, he looked upset and concerened.

"Yes?" my father asked.

"Uhm, Vanessa's late because I found her passed out in the street, and I didn't know where you lived, so I took her back to mine, and" he explained.

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