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"Give her a break man," I heard Robin say to Bruce as I walked over to my locker.

"This is all her fault," I heard him reply before the noise of a punch followed.

I turned to see Robin over Bruce, punching the shit out of him.

"Robin!" I shouted, running over and pulling him off Bruce.

Robin had managed to land four or five punches on Bruce's face by the time I had dragged him off and away to my locker. Finney, Gwen and Donna watched in shock as I scolded Robin.

"Why did you do that? Now you're gonna be in shit and get put in isolation," I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"I don't care, that dipshit deserved it," he said back to me.

I grabbed his hands and saw Bruce's blood covering them.

"Go and sort yourself out, Finney, go with him," I pushed them towards the boy's bathroom as Donna and Gwen moved closer.

I turned into my locker to hide my face, tears began to pool on the bottom of my eyelashes.

"It's not your fault Ness," Gwen said, moving closer and then turning me to her.

She watched as a few tears slipped down my face.

"But I was the last one with him, what if Bruce is right? I should have just stayed," I wiped my cheeks.

"I'm sure he will be okay Vanessa, don't listen to them," Donna spoke up.

I looked down thinking to myself. The last thing a had said to him was 'fuck you, Vance'.

"I'm fine I'm just being a little bitch," I lied; in reality, I felt awful and all I wanted to do was go home.

I watched the boy's toilets carefully, waiting for the two to leave while waiting fr the bell. The conversation between Gwen and Donna were a blur to my hearing, until the bell rang, then it felt as if everything had come back into play.

I shook my head and waved bye to Gwen while Donna and I walked to maths.

"I hope they're okay, they're taking an awfully long time in there," Donna said.

"I wonder what shit Robin's got into now," I said back to her before walking to the back of the class.

Just as the second bell rang, Robin and Finney walked through the door. I half expected only Finney because I had assumed Robin would be placed in isolation.

"Today, class, we are going to be working in groups of four, please arrange yourselves as I hand out this test each group will work together on," Mrs Rolean stated before handing the sheets out.

Immediately Finney and Donna turned to Robin and I who were waving them over. The rushed over to us and sat on either side, Donna on the end beside me nad Finney on the end beside Robin.

"So who out of the four of us are actually good at maths because me and Vanessa are terrible," Robin said looking between Donna and Finney.

The two of them shrugged.

"We're both pretty good I'd say," Finney said.

"Good then," I said, pushing the test paper in front of Finney.

"You two can do all the hard work," Robin looked at me and smirked.

"Are you guys doing anything after school?" Donna asked us.

"I'm not," I said before looking to Robin.

"I'm going over to Lucia's," Robin smiled.

"Are you serious, you're leaving me again?" I exclaimed.

my girl - Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now