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TW: mentions BPD (in a joking manner)

"Don't lie to me," I replied.

"Just not great with people," he sighed.

I moved close enough to touch him and placed a hand on his back to comfort him.

"You're not the big bad wolf everyone makes you out to be, you just don't like people, I get it," I tried to understand how he felt.

"I have my group of friends and that's it, no one else, except you," he turned to me and smiled.

"Do you want to go back to watch the rest of the game, I can come and sit with you away from my friends so you don't feel so uncomfortable," I suggested.

"Sure, Bruce will be pissed if I miss much more of the game," he laughed.

The two of us walked out of the boy's bathroom and back out to the bleachers, as we made our way up the stairs, we sat a few rows in front of my friends.

"I'm just going to let them know we're going to stay down here, okay?" I said to Vance.

"Okay," he replied, concentrating on the boys' games.

"I'm going to sit down there with Vance," I told Robin, Gwen and Donna.

"She so likes him," Gwen told Donna.

"Can you shut up, he just doesn't like to be around too many people, and he doesn't want to watch the game on his own," I sighed.

Robin raised his eyebrows at me, "You can't lie, Nessa, you do like him," he said cockily.

"So what if I do? I'm still your sister Gwen, and you're still my best friend Robin, nothing will change," I rolled my eyes.

"Best friend? Is that it?" he looked at me shocked.

"What, you are?" I said confused.

"Stupid bitch, I'm more like your brother at this point," he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, whatever, best friend, a brother from another mother, I don't fucking care, nothing will change," I shrugged and walked back to Vance.

"So, tomorrow," I said.

"What about it?" he looked at me confused.

"What time do you want me to come to yours?" I asked.

"Oh, we can pick you up if you want?" he suggested.

"Cool, I live on Autumn Ave right now," I replied.

"I'll get Ma to wait at the end of the street, should I say around eleven?" a smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," I smiled back at him.

"I was thinking, you could come back to mine after, we can just chill and listen to music or whatever," he shrugged.

"Yeah, that'd be nice," I looked at him.

"Aww," I heard from behind me, so the two of us turned and saw Gwen creating a heart with her hands.

"Fuck you, Gwen," I stuck my middle finger up to her. I then saw Robin making a kissy face at me.

Vance only laughed.

"They're so immature," he looked toward me.

"And you're not? You got pissed when I beat you at pinball," I smiled at him sarcastically.

"You're such a little bitch," he said in a serious tone.

"Fucking hell, calm down," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "You're so fucking bipolar," I sighed angrily.

my girl - Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now