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Soon enough I was asleep, being like this reminded me of when we were children and we would have sleepovers in each other's room.

"What the fuck is she doing there?" I heard Robin say the next morning. I kept my eyes closed to see what they would do.

"She's a dick," Finney laughed, then tucked my messy hair behind my ear.

"Morning fuckers," I shouted, scaring the shit out of both of them.

"You're such a twat," Robin stuck his middle finger up at me.

I checked my watch, it was nearly half past nine.

"Shit," I muttered to myself, before getting up and running to the bathroom to have a shower and get ready.

Once I had finished in the shower, I walked out in my towel and into my bedroom to pick an outfit for the day. I decided on some light blue jeans, a brown tank top and my white converse, which were more brown than white. I put a little bit of makeup on and sprayed my perfume.

"What's cooking?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

The two boys stared at me with shocked expressions.

"What?" I asked.

"You're wearing makeup," Robin said "I didn't even know you owned makeup," he added.

"It looks nice," Finney smiled.

"Aw, thanks Finn," I ruffled his hair as I grabbed my plate of food that was waiting on the side for me.

I checked my watch, and it read 10:38 am.

"Someone's eager," Robin raised his eyebrows at me as I ate the pancakes the two had made.

"No," I replied bluntly.

"Oh come on Nessa," Finney said "look happy," he laughed.

"I'm nervous," I held my stomach.

Robin came behind me and hugged me, and Finney joined in and hugged me from the side.

"You're going to have fun, even if it is with Vance Hopper," Robin said to me, causing a smile to grow on my face.

"You have to tell us everything!" Finn pulled away from the hug, Robin continued to hold onto me.

"I will, I guess," I shrugged.

"If it makes you happy, I guess I can put up with Vance," I felt Robin's smile grow as he said it.

I turned and smiled at him.

"Can you let me eat my breakfast now," I motioned my head towards the fact Robin's arms had trapped mine so I couldn't eat.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," he let go and took a seat across from me.

"Are you staying tonight as well Finney?" I asked, creating conversation.

"I'm going to go home, Gwen's coming back from her friends today so I can't leave her with dad alone," he shrugged.

"Oh right," I finished eating and washed up my dishes before checking the time again.

Five minutes till eleven. I looked out the window and saw the familiar car from the beginning of the week pull up at the end of the street.

"They're here," I started to breathe fast.

"Chillout, you're going to be fine," Finney came over and held my arm lovingly.

"Do I look okay?" I turned the mirror just inside the front door.

"You look great, now go," Robin said pushing me out the front door as I flattened a piece of hair that was sticking up.

my girl - Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now