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He rolled his eyes, "Fine," he said before snatching the pen out of my hand and copying the last of their answers down.

Bruce's team had won the match, yet again, so once the game was over I headed down to congratulate him with Robin following me reluctantly.

"Well done Brucey," I walked past Vance, Louisa, Danny and Cole to hug the boy, Robin stood awkwardly beside Cole.

"Thanks, Vanessa," he hugged me back.

"You reek," I gagged slightly.

"So would you if you just played a baseball game," he pulled out of the hug.

I smiled at him before I heard Robin going off on one, forcing mine and Bruce's attention to him.

"Control your girl," Robin said to Vance.

"She can say what she likes, I don't give a fuck," Vance replied.

"You actually went near this slag, look at her, she's literally hugging one boy while the other defends her like he's her boyfriend," Louisa stated.

I looked at Bruce in shock, then at Robin whose fists were now tightly squeezed together, and then finally to Vance, who knew why Robin was the way he was. I raised my eyebrows at him as if to say 'say something to her'.

Robin shook his head before I grabbed his wrist and pulled him away, stopping him from getting any closer to the couple.

"Leave it," I whispered to him.

He gulped angrily and turned to begin walking away.

"You don't know anything about me, Louisa, keep your mouth shut if you know what's best for you," I spat before saying bye to Bruce and catching up with Robin.

"What started that?" I asked him.

"She called you a slag," he shook his head still very clearly angry from the adrenaline.

"They're going to be at the party later, are you going to be able to control yourself?" I asked.

"Are you? Vance and his bitch are probably going to be necking off most of the night," he scoffed.

"You know Vance isn't like that, he hates PDA," I laughed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," he said.

I checked my watch, it was nearly 5 pm.

"Shotgun the shower when we get back," I started running to get home first.

"You bitch," he shouted back.

Once we reached the house I immediately ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash my hair before getting ready.

"Did you find something?" I said, walking into my bedroom with a towel wrapped around me.

Robin was searching through my wardrobe.

"This," he said as he pulled out some light blue, low-waisted, boyfriend jeans and a cropped vest with rips in with the Pink Floyd badge on.

"Thank you," I kissed his forehead before pushing him out of my room so I could get ready.

I changed into the outfit and paired it with my white high-top converse. After deciding I didn't need a jacket, I blow-dried my hair and put on a bit of make-up, then sprayed my perfume. Once I was ready, I checked my watch, it was 8 pm, so I made my way over to Robin's room, making sure to knock.

He pulled his door open and went back over to his mirror so he could adjust his bandana.

"Come on, we need to go," I checked myself in his mirror.

my girl - Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now