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"Bye," I waved, walking back over to my locker to shut it, then over to Robin at his locker.

Christmas day

My eyes opened slowly on the morning of Christmas. The house was quiet, like usual and I was more than likely the first one up. I turned on my light and checked the time, it was still early, 7:30 am, so I decided to have a shower and get ready for the day to pass some time.

By the time I had finished applying my makeup, an hour and a half had passed, so I left my room and decide to make Malcolm a cup of tea and Robin a hot chocolate as I was spending the day with Vance's family, and finally meeting his father for the first time.

"Merry Christmas Vanessa," I heard Malcolm say as I strained the tea bag from his drink.

"Merry Christmas," I dropped the spoon and ran over to him, hugging him "Here," I said while letting go and handing him his tea.

"Thank you, go and wake Robin up," he cocked his head towards Robin's room with a smile.

Malcolm had really helped me to feel at home, he was like a father to me now and loved him like one.

"Wake your sleeping ass up," I barged into Robin's room with his hot chocolate, causing him to jump awake.

"You twatface," I covered his head with his pillow.

"But it's Christmas, merry Christmas Robin!" I shouted down his ear before leaning down and hugging him.

"Merry Christmas to you too Ness, now piss off so I can get dressed," I rubbed his eyes while sitting up.

"Hurry up," I jumped around.

"Here, I got you a card," I handed it to Malcolm, "And a present, but I'd prefer you to open the card now, without Robin here because he would just take the piss out of me," I laughed.

"Okay, here," he took the card and opened it open, reading it aloud.

'Dear, Malcolm,

Merry Christmas, first of all, I really hope that you do have a good day with the rest of your family!

And second of all, thank you for everything you have done for me since the day you took me in. Thank you for treating me like your own and taking care of me!

You're my family now, I love you :)

Love from, Nessa xx'

"Oh Nessa, come here," he pulled me into another hug, before letting go and placing the card onto the shelf.

"Robin, get your ass out here now," Malcolm shouted.

"Fuck sake," I heard Robin shout back before opening his door.

He wasn't ready, his bandana wasn't on and his hair wasn't even brushed.

"What?" he said angrily.

"Merry Christmas," Malcolm shook his head and held his arms out for Robin.

Robin slowly walked over and hugged him.

"Merry Christmas uncle Malcolm," he laughed before taking a set next to me on the couch.

"Presents?" I suggested, checking my watch again to see it was now 10 am, I was being picked up in an hour by Vance and his father.

"Go on then," Malcolm laughed, looking towards the tree. There were four presents exactly planted underneath.

One for Robin, one for me, and two for Malcolm. This was because Robin and I had given each other our presents to each other as soon as it hit midnight. I had got Robin the purple bandana he had asked for and Robin got me a grey tapestry for my wall.

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