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3 months later

Finney, Donna, Robin and I all sat outside the front of the school at lunch. It had become 'our spot' per se. Gwen joined us most days, but she would sit with her friends on some days. Finney and Donna were officially a couple and had been for about a month, Robin was testing the waters with a girl in our grade named Lucia. And well, for Vance and I, we hadn't spoken in nearly two weeks.

Two weeks ago, Vance and I had gone on, yet another, date. Three months of nothing but kisses, dates and dinner with his mom, and still he hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend, so I brought it up to him, he avoided the question and since then we haven't spoken.

He walked past us at the front of the school, looked directly at me and then turned to Bruce. I rolled my eyes.

"Please let me rock his shit," Robin said, scowling and cracking his knuckles.

I sighed and pulled his hands, stopping him from bending his fingers to create a crack satisfying enough for him.

"Robin, no," I shook my head.

"He's a dick, you need a rebound, what about," Robin said looking around "What about Bruce, that would really fuck him off," he smiled cheekily at me.

"Leave her be Robin, she doesn't want a rebound," Donna backed me up.

"Thanks, Donna," I laughed to hide the nervousness.

"Fine," Robin said, holding his arms out for me to fall into a hug with him.

"Better not let Lucia see this," Finney said, looking around him in case she was nearby.

"Nah, she knows I come as a package with Ness," he looked down at me, still embracing me completely.

Finney laughed and rolled his eyes "He's basically a second brother to me Finn, no way would I ever date his crusty ass," I joked.

"Fuck you," he pushed me and looked at me shocked in a joking way.

I laughed and pushed him back, to which he scowled.

"But seriously, what are you going to do about Vance?" Finn asked "I'm your biological twin and even I want to consider battering him," he said, emphasising twin.

I looked at Donna in shock, she returned a similar look.

"Finney Blake, fight a Junior, I think not," I laughed.

"Well, obviously I wouldn't but I would one-thousand per cent support Robin in beating the crap out of him," he said.

"I'm not being funny, but Vance literally carries a swiss army knife around with him, I wouldn't let Robin, never mind you," I admitted to the group.

"Okay, I'll pass until I know he's not a psycho," Robin declared.

"Just leave it okay?" I sighed, getting up to go to the bathroom.

As Vance and I had stopped talking to each other, Bruce had also quit talking to me, alongside Danny and Cole, his other best friends. When walking to the bathroom, I saw Louisa hanging onto Vance's arm. My tongue unconsciously ran across my teeth in anger before I stormed off.

"Hey Vanessa," I looked into the mirror and saw Louisa behind me. It felt as if I was experiencing De Ja Vu.

"What?" I said rolling my eyes before turning to face her.

"Vance seems so much happier now doesn't he?" she asked in an attempt to anger, which it did.

"One hundred per cent," I agreed, this annoyed her.

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