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As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was off, and the night was all a blur.

My eyes opened the morning after the party and no one was around. I had forgotten that Robin and Finney made a bed for me in Robin's room, they knew I hated to be in my room when Finney was here.

I smiled to myself before sitting up. Immediately a sharp pain began shooting through my head and I felt my stomach twist and turn.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself before bolting out of Robin's room and into the bathroom. I didn't even have time to shut the door before the vomit was spewing from my mouth.

"She's awake," I heard Malcolm say from the living room, followed by the footsteps of Robin and my brother.

"Jesus christ Ness," Finney walked over to me and pulled my hair back, while Robin watched from the doorway.

I continued to spew my guts up for nearly an hour and by the end, nothing was coming up, all I could do was heave.

Robin helped me over to lay on one of the couches while Finney made some dry toast for me to eat.

"Here," Robin said as he placed a blanket over my body and then lifted my legs to sit underneath them.

"Thank you," I reached over and stroked the boy's hair, he smiled back at me just as Finney walked back into the living room.

"Take this," he handed me a plate and a glass of water.

"Love you, Finn," I smiled, blowing him a kiss.

"Yeah yeah," he took a seat where Malcolm was previously sitting.

"Kids, I'm popping out, there's money in the pot, see you later," Malcolm said carrying a bag through the living room and kissing both mine and Robin's forehead, then ruffling Finney's hair as he left.

"See you later," I said as he shut the door behind him.

"Can you remember anything from last night?" Finney asked me, curious.

"Of course I can," I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"You do know Vance was following you around like a puppy?" Robin looked at me as I spat my water out in shock.

"Shut up, you're lying," I shook my head.

"So you can't remember anything then," Finney raised his eyebrows while turning the TV on.

"No, I can, I remember smoking with these Juniors called Rosa and Shaun, and then Bruce got me one of his hoodies," I looked down to see Robin had put it back on me last night after changing me into my PJs.

"Since when did you smoke?" Finney looked at me confused.

"I haven't smoked in a while, I used to quite a bit back when we were Freshmen, but obviously with my friends back in Utah," I shrugged.

"I've never smoked," Finney admitted.

"We should all smoke one time," Robin looked between the two of us.

I smiled and nodded in agreement, Finney nodded cautiously, unsure of his answer.

"Shit, I should get home, I told dad I'd be back at ten thirty," he said, glancing at the clock that read 10:10 am.

He grabbed his bag and ran towards the door "See you at school, love you," I waved.

"Love you, bye," he rushed out, slamming the door behind him.

"Are you doing anything today?" I asked Robin.

"Going to the arcade with Lucia, her mom is taking us," he smiled at me.

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