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I rolled my eyes "Yeah sure," I then shook my head and we walked to Vance's house.

As we walked, Vance and I walked beside one another in front, while Bruce and Rosa walked behind us. We were having our own conversations with each other.

"So, friends again?" I said, smiling up at Vance.

He shrugged.

"I really don't understand you sometimes," I shook my head.

"Can you even remember anything from last night?" he turned to me, whisper shouting so Rosa and Bruce wouldn't hear.

"I've already been asked this today, yeah I can," I said confused.

"So you can remember our conversation on the sofa?" he looked down at me as we continued to walk into his house.

"We had a conversation on the sofa?" I laughed.

"So you can't remember anything, good one Blake," he rolled his eyes and shut the door once Bruce and Rosa had walked in.

The two looked at us weirdly as they took a seat on Vance's couch. I sat on the second one, as far to one side as possible, Vance was agitated and it was my fault of course.

He sat down on the opposite side to me and flicked the remote so the movie channel was on, it was playing 'Superman'. I sighed and picked at the skin around my fingers, trying to remember what Vance was talking about, but I couldn't for the life of me, all I could remember was about Louisa and him but that was it.

Rosa spent the whole of the movie wrapped in Bruce's arm, but once it was finished, they decided to leave and go and get some ice cream.

"What is wrong with you?" I turned to him as soon as he shut the door.

"Nothing," he walked towards his bedroom.

"Don't take the piss, Hopper, I'm not playing games, one minute we're friends again and the next we're not, I don't get it," I followed him to his bedroom, leaning up against the frame of the door.

He took his denim jacket off and threw it to the floor then sat on his bed while ignoring me.

"Do you want me to stay or not because right now it looks like you want me to walk out the door and never see me again," I raised my eyebrows.

I walked into his room and looked at the calendar on the wall, his birthday was circled. November 19th, four days away, I then turned to face him.

"Are you going to speak to me?" I shook my head, he looked up at me hovering above him.

"Maybe you should go, Ma will be home soon," he looked down at his bracelet.

I scoffed "You should have just told me to leave with Bruce and Rosa, fuck you Vance" I rolled my eyes before storming out of his house without saying goodbye.

As I walked down the street, it was empty, eerily empty. No cars were passing by, and no people were walking on the streets. I glanced ahead and saw a black van parked on the opposite side of the street, which was the only vehicle around. I shrugged it off and continued walking back to Robin's.

It was clear to Vanessa that Vance didn't know how to express his feelings. All Vanessa wanted was what they had back, but Vance couldn't man up enough to tell her that he wanted that as well.

What Vanessa Blake didn't know was that Vance Hopper was following behind her, attempting to catch up with her to tell her how he felt. He didn't dare shout for her as fear of embarrassment, so as she turned left at the end of his street and he lost sight of her, he gave up and turned to go back home.

my girl - Vance HopperWhere stories live. Discover now