Chapter 3: Lipstick and Leather.

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Monday afternoon rolled around, Steve had gotten stuck on detention duty, which he was none too pleased about. He had a lot of other things he'd rather be doing than watching delinquents for an hour after school.

There were only three of them, they sat fairly quietly and didn't give him shit which he was thankful for. It was mainly just having not done their homework, but he was itching to go and let them leave fifteen minutes early as long as they promised not to tell anyone.

"Thanks Mr H!" One kid called as he exited the classroom. Steve locked the room and left the building, nodding to a janitor as he left. He drove home and changed quickly, checking himself in the mirror once more before leaving to head to the garage with Eddie's jacket.

He was suddenly nervous again, his stomach curling in anticipation as his hands gripped the steering wheel. He shut the engine off and headed inside, the guy with the pornstache was standing in the doorway wiping his hands on a rag.

"Hi uh... is Eddie here?"

"Yeah he's in the office"

Steve nodded and headed towards the office, hearing music he didn't recognise playing softly again. Eddie was sitting at the desk, scrawling something in a notebook, his hair falling in his face, tongue poking out as he worked.

Steve knocked softly on the doorframe and his head snapped up. His face flicked through a few expressions before he smiled.

"Steve, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You left this" He held up the vest. Eddie's face split into a grin.

"I was wondering where I left that" he stood up, taking the jacket from Steve, their fingers brushing for the second time.

"In my kitchen" Steve said lamely, scrambling for something to say.

"Thanks for bringing it back" Eddie was still smiling. Steve took a second to regard him, he was wearing his mechanic shirt today, but it was unbuttoned and he had another tank top underneath it, a white one this time but it was covered in dirt. It was kind of... hot. "Cars all good?"

"Oh yeah it's fine, thank you again for that" Steve rubbed the back of his neck nervously, feeling like he was burning under Eddie's gaze, why did he have such intense eyes?

Eddie opened his mouth to say something when a girl twitched into the office, long dark hair, bright blue eyes, dark red lipstick, a cropped leather jacket and an even shorter skirt. Steve's eyes widened a little.

"Hey Eddie"

Eddie's eyes flicked between the girl and Steve.

"Hey Samantha"

"I've told you, Sam" She rolled her eyes "Is my bike fixed?" She smiled, playing with a strand of her hair. Steve took note of the dark red nail polish that adorned her fingers.

"Did Joe not call you?"

She shrugged, still playing with her hair.

"Yeah it's all done, just gotta settle up and you're good" He threw her a flirty smile. Oh so 'settle up' meant what Steve thought it did. He suddenly felt incredibly awkward.

"I uh, gotta go, but glad you got your vest back" Steve said, Eddie smiled at him.

"Bye Steve"

"Yeah" He mumbled, ducking out of the office, the door closing behind him. Of course that was Eddie's type, why would Steve have ever thought otherwise, or that he would have even have ever had a chance with someone like Eddie. They were polar opposites, Eddie was into... well girls like Sam and Steve was... well Steve.

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