Chapter 14: Technicolour Kodachrome, You Should Be In Pictures.

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Steve woke up wrapped around Eddie, soft morning light filtering through a gap in the curtains that they had drawn haphazardly the night before, before falling into bed together, exhausted from their day of travel.

"Good morning handsome" Eddie said. Steve grumbled, not wanting to be awake yet. He didn't know what time it was or how long he'd slept for but he knew it was morning now and no doubt Robin would be banging on the door soon to wake them up to take them to the beach. That's what she had said they were doing today.

As if on cue there was a knock at the door.

"Is everybody decent?!" She called through the crack in the door.

"Decent enough" Eddie replied, they were in their boxers and covered loosely by a sheet.

"Okay I'm coming in"

She entered the room, standing there in an oversized shirt and nothing else.

"Morning dingus" She said to Steve who groaned and buried his face further into Eddie's chest, wanting nothing more to be left alone and to just stay in Eddie's arms that were wrapped firmly around him "And dingus' boyfriend"

"Morning Robin" Eddie grinned at her. Steve mumbled something that sounded a lot like 'fuck off I'm sleeping'.

"Time to wake up sleepyhead"

Robin crossed the room and jumped onto the bed, poking Steve's side. He yelped and tried to get away from her by wriggling further into Eddie's arms. Oh what a mistake that was.

Eddie laughed and his grip on him turned vice like, as Robin continued to tickle and poke him he yelped and tried to get away but he was being held firmly in place by Eddie who was laughing at the whole thing.

"This is a fucking mutiny!" He yelled, trying his best to get out of his boyfriend's grip and away from his best friend who was just as annoying as she had ever been. "Robin STOP" He wheezed.

"Say uncle!"

"Uncle, fucking UNCLE" Tears were stinging in his eyes, his chest hurt, Robin and Eddie were laughing at him, and he felt incredibly annoyed at the two of them. "Fuck the both of you" he threw the bedsheets off and stormed out of the room slamming the bathroom door behind him.

Robin and Eddie looked at each other, grins split onto both of their faces as they dissolved into fits of giggles.

"Glad to see someone else enjoys winding him up as much as I do" She laughed, giving Eddie a fist bump.

"Oh he is gonna be so grumpy after that"

"He'll have some coffee and he'll be fine"

"I dunno he likes to sulk in the mornings if he's woken up abruptly and it's not followed with--" Eddie stopped himself.

"I'm glad you didn't finish that sentence"

"Yeah sorry..." He smiled at her sheepishly.

"Anyway Vi is making breakfast, so come down when you've appeased the great Steve Harrington"

"Why have I got to do the appeasing?"

"Because you're the one who pinned him down"

"You're the one who assaulted him"

"I think we both had a part to play in it"

"Yeah..." They grinned at each other and dissolved into giggles again.

"Anyway yeah, come down when you're ready" She hopped off the bed, stumbling over her own feet a little and headed for the door.

Eddie sighed and threw the blankets off, he threw on some sweats and wandered down the hall to the bathroom, knocking on the door gently.

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