Chapter 12: Head Over Heels.

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"Why did you take a picture of me while I was fucking sleeping?" Steve groaned

"Because you looked so cute baby" Eddie hugged him from behind, nuzzling his face against his neck and blowing a raspberry on his skin.

"Gross!" Steve tried to fight him off but he kept ahold "Eddie come on, why are you being so annoying today?"

"Well if showing affection to you is annoying then I shan't do it any longer" He let go of Steve, pouting at him.

"You know that's not what I mean" Steve rolled his eyes, grabbing his waist and pulling him close "You know I like it, but enough with the raspberries and pulling my hair and shit" He gave him a stern look, Eddie grinned.

"It's fun though"

"For you maybe"

"Okay, I'll stop" He booped Steve's nose for good measure.

"You're gonna be the death of me" Steve mumbled, he pushed Eddie against the counter, caging him in with his arms. "So, love, what would you like to do today anyway?"

"I thought you had to go to work?"

"Summer break started"

"You mean I don't have to share you with the sophomores for a whole two months?"

"Please don't say it like that, it makes me sound like a predator" Steve pulled a face.

"When are we going to see Robin?"

"Well I was meant to talk to you about that, she said her parents are coming up next week so not then, but maybe in a couple weeks? Gives you time to speak to your boss"

"Sure" Eddie smiled at him "I'm looking forward to meeting her"

"Yeah she's super excited to meet you too" Steve was looking down at Eddie with an expression he couldn't quite place.

"You okay handsome?"

"Yeah" Steve smiled "Just thinking"


"So uh... Robin's already started calling you my boyfriend" He rolled his eyes "And I know that you said you wanted to go slow, which I understand and I'll totally get it if you say no, but I was wondering if you did actually want to be my boyfriend Eddie?" He looked at him through his lashes, a small blush creeping over his cheeks.

"Steve wants me to be his boyfriend" Eddie tilted his head "Does that mean I can have more than a toothbrush here?"

"If you like" Steve laughed "Kinda feels like you've moved in anyway"

"One step at a time Harrington" He rubbed his nose against Steve's.

"You don't have to give me an answer right now, but just think about it?"

"I will"

"You will what?"

"As in I will be your boyfriend Stevie" He chuckled, wrapping his arms around Steve's shoulders "It would be my pleasure" He kissed him softly "No one's ever made me as happy as you do"

They stood in the kitchen kissing and holding each other for a little while longer. Eddie couldn't stop smiling, he felt so secure, Steve made him feel like a person. That nagging emptiness that had threatened to swallow him whole for so long, it was slowly, ever so slowly disappearing. His stomach didn't ache all the time any more either, which was something he had never expected to happen, he'd gotten so used to that it was weird now that it wasn't there all the time.

"You ever answered my other question though"

"What was that?" Eddie hummed, opening his eyes

"What would you like to do today?"

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