Chapter 6: My Whole Existence Is Flawed.

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Eddie took the stairs two at a time, remembering with ease which room was Steve's. He pushed the door open and was greeted by Steve grabbing his shirt and slamming him up against the door, effectively closing it.

"You gonna apologise to me properly now?" His face was so close. Eddie stared, slack jawed. He had never thought he would enjoy being manhandled, but Steve doing it was doing things for him.

"Steve I'm sorry" His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Can't hear you" His knuckles pressed into Eddie's ribs just under his collarbones, he winced a little. Did Steve want to fuck or fight? He was confused. Eddie cleared his throat.

"Steve I'm sorry"

"For?" Steve asked again, running his nose gently along Eddie's jawline.

"For fucking you and leaving... f-for not calling you..." Steve was now pressing little kisses along his jawline, his hands were still in Eddie's shirt but he'd let up a bit with the pressure now. "I'm sorry I was selfish and that I hurt you"

Eddie was struggling to concentrate on what he was meant to be saying, Steve had slid a hand up under his shirt, his finger brushing gently over one of his nipples whilst he sucked on his neck. "I'm not good at feelings... always... always screw it up" He breathed, relaxing more against the door, the hand that wasn't up his shirt was resting on his waist, his fingers trailing the waistband of Eddie's boxers.

"I hate that I-" Eddie couldn't help the moan that crawled up his throat.

"You hate that you what?" Steve stopped sucking on his neck and was eye level with him again. Eddie was breathing really hard "What do you hate Eddie?" He pinched his hip, Eddie jumped.

"I hate that I made you feel that way" He sighed, he was looking at Steve, trying to read his face, but it was blank.

"I don't know if I believe you" He said after a moment, Eddie's heart dropped into his stomach.

Steve gripped the front of his shirt again, tossing him onto his bed like a ragdoll, he yanked his shirt off and shoved Eddie down onto his back, bringing his face down so that their noses were almost touching.

"Doesn't feel like you mean it"

Eddie could now see where this was going, Steve wanted to fuck, but like, rage fuck him. He felt excitement twitch in his stomach, and his pants.

"What are you fucking grinning at?" Steve looked pissed as hell. "Something funny to you?"

He's literally got Eddie pinned to the bed by his throat now, straddling his hips.



"Nothings funny"

Steve slapped him harshly across the face. It stung like fuck and sent Eddie reeling as he choked out a moan.

"Then why are you smiling at me right now? I thought you were sorry?" His face was so close again. Eddie was practically drooling.

"Oh I am Steve" He said wrapping his arms around Steve's shoulders "I'm so fucking sorry" He whispered as he tugged him down by his shoulders to kiss him hard. His hands tangled into Steve's hair, tugging gently at the roots, he wanted him closer.

Steve took his lower lip into his mouth and sucked it gently, causing blood to pool and Eddie's lower lip to swell, making it extra sensitive when Steve bit down on it. Eddie tried to be quiet, he really did.

Then Steve's lips were gone and he was pulling Eddie's shirt off, the rest of his clothes following shortly after, leaving him naked, staring up at Steve with wide eyes. Steve tilted his head, eyes raking over his body, like he was thinking about what he was going to do to him. Formulating some sort of evil plan in his head.

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