Chapter 10: The White Lady Loves You More.

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TW: Mentions of drug usage/abuse.

Steve had called Robin that afternoon.



"No this is Violet... who's calling"

"It's Steve... is Robin home?"

"Yeah she's just here hold on I'll grab her... ROBIN YOUR BESTIE IS ON THE PHONE!!"

Steve moved the receiver away from his hear a little, wincing.

"Hey dingus"

"Robin, hey"

"What's good?"

"Everything" Steve smiled

"Awh that's cute, wait why is everything good?"

"Uh well... you remember the guy I told you about? Eddie?"


"So we're kinda dating now"

Robin made a squealing noise from the other end of the line.

"Tell me everything!"

"He's uh... he's pretty great" Steve smiled "He's got some issues with stuff but we're working through them, he makes me so happy dude"

"Awh Steve, he sounds wonderful, I can't wait to meet him!"

"Well that was actually what I wanted to talk to you about... are you coming home for summer?"

"I was thinking about it but with work and college assignments taking that time off isn't very doable for me right now... I think my parents are gonna come visit for a week or so"

"Well I was gonna ask if I could come and visit for a week or so? And maybe... could I bring Eddie with me?"

"I'll have to ask Vi, but I'd love to meet Eddie! VI... CAN STEVE BRING HIS BOYFRIEND TO STAY FOR A WEEK THIS SUMMER?!"

"Jesus do you two ever have a conversation at a normal volume?" he muttered.

Steve heard excited shouting from the other end of the line, further away.

"She said of course you can, when do you wanna come?"

"Well I still gotta talk to Eddie and see when he could get the time off of work, but maybe in a couple weeks? We were gonna road trip it. Also he isn't my boyfriend yet"

"You guys are so cute, he will be soon enough" She laughed "Sure, well speak to Eddie and let me know soon?"

"I'm literally gonna call him right after this I just wanted to speak to you and Violet first"

"That's cool"

They chatted some more, Steve told Robin a little more about what Eddie was like, about their date, about how Steve was charming him. She filled him in on what was going in her life and after an hour or so they said their goodbyes and hung up.

Steve dialled Eddie's number but he didn't answer so he settled for leaving him a voice message.

"Hey Eddie, it's Steve, I was just calling to let you know that I spoke to Robin. She said it's totally cool for us to come and stay with her and Violet, I thought maybe in a couple of weeks? Gives you time to speak to your boss and stuff. Anyway call me back, I miss you"

He hung up the phone feeling more than a little embarrassed. He hadn't meant to say that on a voice message that his uncle might possibly pick up but it had just come out.

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