Chapter 13: You're my best friend.

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The rest of the week passed and rolled into the next one. Steve was standing staring at his closet trying to decide what to take to California with him.

"You okay?" Eddie asked from his position on the bed, he was reading a book while Steve busied himself with holiday plans.

"Yeah just trying to decide what clothes to take with me to California"

Eddie couldn't help but smile, truth be told he hadn't thought much about packing although he probably should have. They were leaving the day after tomorrow, but he had been so caught up in his bubble with Steve that he hadn't given it a second thought really.

"Are you gonna pack anything at all?" He turned to look at Eddie.

"Yeah" He stretched, hearing his bones pop "Thought about it"

"We're leaving in less than forty eight hours"

"I know"

"You haven't started?"

"I know that too, it isn't gonna take me long though is it?"

"Where is your sense of urgency?" Steve smiled over at him, he crossed the room and crawled on top of him, pushing him down onto the bed.

"I have time" Eddie laughed "Plus we're only going for a week, how much stuff am I gonna need? Robin has a washing machine right?"

"True" Steve laid himself on Eddie's chest, enjoying the smell of his cologne.

They lay like this for a while, Eddie went back to reading, his arms around Steve, one hand gently running through his hair.

"What's California actually like?" Eddie asked, resting his book on Steve's back.

"Hmm?" He looked up at him with an expression that was a little bit dazed.

"Oh baby did you fall asleep?"

"No, just got that floaty feeling again" He nuzzled his face against Eddie's chest.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm great" He smiled up at Eddie "Sorry, what did you ask me?"

"Doesn't matter, you just drift baby, I've got you" He went back to running his fingers through Steve's hair who made a happy sound. If he could stay like this forever Eddie would die a happy man.


"Okay so you do actually need to pack something" Steve stood in the kitchen looking at Eddie who was inhaling a bowl of cereal whilst sitting in his boxers.

"I promise I will after work okay"

"You're gonna be tired after work"

"I know, but I am also going to be late for work if I stay and pack stuff now" He rinsed his bowl and spoon in the sink before darting past Steve, kissing his cheek quickly before running off upstairs to get dressed.

Steve rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile.

He busied himself making sure he had everything he needed for their trip. He tidied the house, found himself bored out of his mind by two pm.

He knew Eddie was going to be tired by the time he came home, he was not going to want to pack his stuff and there would be a mad scramble at seven AM tomorrow when he tried to remember everything he needed to take with him.

So Steve wandered to their bedroom and picked out a few shirts from the ones Eddie had left behind, folding them and putting them into a bag along with some pants, underwear, socks etc. He grabbed his stuff from the bathroom and threw that in the bag too, he didn't think he was missing anything.

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