Chapter 19: Give Me Just A Minute, I'll Be Feelin' Fine.

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Theo started school today, which meant Steve also had to go back to work. Eddie had been enjoying his time spent with the two of them. Sure he missed being able to push Steve up against the kitchen counter and rail him over it, with a teenager in the house it meant that their sex was much more kept to their bedroom. Occasionally the shower.

"You sure it's gonna be alright?" Theo looked at Eddie nervously, sitting at the bottom of the stairs lacing up her boots.

"It's high school, I'd be a liar if I said it was a cake walk" He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "But I'm sure it'll be okay, and Steve and the other kids will be there"

"Yeah but they're all two years above me"

"I know, but Max and El said they were gonna drive you didn't they?"

"I know but... what if..." She sighed, her shoulder slumping. Eddie felt bad, he knew exactly how she was feeling. He'd hated high school just as much. But he'd hoped it'd be a bit of an easier ride for his little sister. She wasn't as weird as he had been... or still was.

There was a knock at the front door, Eddie opened it to see a grinning Max and El standing there.

"You ready?" El asked


"Come on it won't be so bad, we'll show you where your classes are and you can come sit with us at lunch" Max said

"You sure you don't mind having a sophomore sitting with you?"

"Not at all" Max said, El smiled.

Theo nodded and stood up, grabbing her backpack.

"See you later kid"

"Bye" She was about to leave when Eddie stopped her.

"Wait a sec" He started rummaging through the pockets of his leather for his wallet. "Here" He handed her a couple of five dollar bills.

"For what?"

"Lunch, duh" He laughed

"Oh yeah, forgot about that... thanks" She smiled and hugged his waist for a second before leaving and closing the front door behind her. He tried not to worry, tried not to think about it too much as he looked around for his car keys.

"I am so fucking late oh my god" Steve came barrelling down the stairs, car keys in his mouth, wallet in hand. Eddie laughed.

"Yeah, Theo already left"

"What?! I thought I was taking her?"

"No, she was going with Max and El, remember?"

"I don't, but I suppose that's probably better than showing up with her teacher" He laughed, looking around for his shoes.

"They're over there" He pointed to the ever growing pile of shoes by the living room door.

"Thank you baby" He kissed Eddie's cheek and pulled the front door open "I'll see you later, love you!"

He was gone before Eddie could respond but he couldn't help but smile as he gathered his own things, locking the front door and driving to work.

He still felt awful about what had happened a few weeks ago. He had yet to properly speak to Wayne about it, but knew Steve had. He knew they were both keeping a very close eye on him, he was rarely left alone by anyone, apart from when he was at work. But he wasn't into the idea of being high at work, especially when he was working with big machinery all day, it wasn't exactly safe.

"Morning kid" Axe said as he walked through the door. Eddie nodded to him and went to put his things away. He started work for the day and tried his best to focus, but he couldn't help but let his mind wander to Steve as he worked.

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