Chapter 23: (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight.

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TW: Homophobic language used. - A/N: Some shit goes down in this chapter, and it's fairly long, so buckle up lmao. (NO ONE DIES DW IGNORE THE CHAPTER TITLE.)

It had been a week since Theo's birthday. Robin was still hanging around in Hawkins, having decided to extend her trip for another week as she had missed being home with everyone so much. Eddie and Steve were as loved up as always and Theo was doing well at school. She'd finally started coming out of her shell a little and was managing to make some friends in her own grade.

Things seemed to be going well for everyone, until Tuesday afternoon when Steve was called into the principal's office with no idea why.

"Come in Steve" The principal looked stressed "Have a seat" She said closing the door behind him.

"Sure... what is this about? I thought my first review wasn't until January?"

"It's not" She sighed "Steve I... there is no easy way for me to say this to you but..." She fiddled with the cuff of her shirt "Steve it has recently come to light about the kind of... relationship that you're in and well... some of the PTA members and other teachers have... issues with this"


"Let me just say that I have absolutely no issue with it, my sister is a lesbian, this isn't my decision at all but my hand is being forced here"

"Principal Walker, what are you talking about?"

"Steve, the fact that you are in a relationship with another man, has come to light and the PTA as well as some of your colleagues are asking that your employment here be terminated with immediate effect. They went straight above my head to the school board who agreed and so I have to be the one to tell you that with immediate effect you can longer work at this school" She looked sad, like she agreed with him that this was absolute bullshit.

"What the fuck" He said quietly "How did... who told them?"

"It was someone called..." She shifted some papers on her desk, holding one up "Eric, I don't know his last name. Apparently he showed up at a PTA meeting a few days ago and announced that the school gym teacher was a..." She swallowed "A raging queer and shouldn't be allowed to teach kids because it's wrong"

Steve laughed.

"Oh I know who that is alright" He was trying so hard to contain his anger "The guy that hates me because my boyfriend wouldn't date him three years ago and won't date him now"

"A jealous ex?"

"Not even, Eddie wouldn't date him because he's an absolute psychopath and is once again proving that, Jesus why won't he just leave us alone?"

"Steve I'm sorry this is happening to you" She sighed "But I have to ask you to collect your things and leave school property as soon as possible"

"There is really nothing you can do?"

"I'm afraid my hands are tied" She sighed

"This is so fucked... sorry" He sighed and buried his face in his hands.

"No I agree, it is" She looked at him sadly.

"So I can't teach the rest of my classes today? Don't even get to say goodbye to any of my students?"

"I think it best if you just leave as quietly as possible"

"Okay" He sniffed, trying desperately hard not to cry.

He was being fired because he was in a relationship with a man. It was so grossly unfair.


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